Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better You
Jim Davies
Pegasus Books
February 2021
● 內文簡介

★《Doing Good Better》作者威廉.麥克阿斯克爾(William Macaskill)、《The Organized Mind》丹尼爾.列維汀Daniel Levitin)齊聲推薦
★《Think Again》、《Give and Take》、《紐約時報》暢銷作者亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant)高度評價
★書籍評論網Next Big Idea詳細報導


為什麼我們總覺得要達到高效、快樂且做個優秀的人,就勢必要犧牲其他所有一切?有沒有可能,我們能「一次」感受到以上三種體驗?如同大眾所知,我們每一天的所作所為,其實都是在破壞身心,甚至破壞社會;我們所養成的習慣,隔絕了我們長期發展幸福感的可能。有別於其他給予解方,卻無法幫助人們從基本改善生活的書籍,本書作者Jim Davies運用認知科學相關研究,向讀者闡述什麼何謂可行方法,以及它們所帶來的正面有多大?

《Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are》教導我們如何利用科學、運用人類大腦現有的資源來成為更好的自己,同時鼓勵我們設有遠大目標,並同時留意生活中的小細節。作者證實了為什麼多功能處理對一個人來說是有害的,而為什麼小小的分心卻可能是好的。作者甚至還教會你如何判斷該捐款給哪個公益團體,或如何操控你的大腦。




● 作者簡介

Jim Davies,加拿大卡爾頓大學認知科學系所教授。他同時也是該校the Science of Imagination Laboratory的負責人、《The GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual》共同作者(參與兩個版本的製作),另著有《Riveted and Imagination: The Science of Your Mind’s Greatest Power》。他現居加拿大渥太華。


● 媒體報導

“Jim Davies has done the impossible: he's written a book about becoming a better person that's not boring, preachy, or snake oil. His writing is lucid and funny, his arguments are grounded in evidence, and his wisdom is right on point for living a good life. This is one of the year's best cognitive science books.”――Adam Grant, NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and GIVE AND TAKE, and host of the chart-topping TED podcast "WorkLife"

“If you're looking to improve yourself—and the world around you—you need to read this book. Full of insights and packed with cutting-edge science, the Person Your Dog Think You Are is a delightful and fascinating read.”――William Macaskill, Oxford University, co-founder of The Center for Effective Altruism, and author of DOING GOOD BETTER

“Davies masterfully pulls together the scientific literature on how to be a better person, along with why you might want to be. This is a book for optimizers, and for people who want to know where to start on being happier, more productive, and more moral. Even if you think you’re already good at all of these, you’ll be surprised to learn what science has to say about being even better. A compelling read.”――Daniel Levitin, best-selling author of THE ORGANIZED MIND and THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MUSIC