The Frontiers of Knowledge: What We Know about Science, History and the Mind - and How We Know
A.C. Grayling
Penguin UK
May 2021
● 內文簡介

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«《無中生有的宇宙》作者勞倫斯‧克勞斯(Lawrence M. Krauss)和《Enlightenment Now》作者Steven Pinker盛情推薦。




《The Frontiers of Knowledge》透過三個關鍵研究領域回答這些問題:科學、歷史和心理學。這部作品本身就是一部了不起的科學、地球生命和人類心智史書,作者以生動清晰的筆觸和廣博的知識,寫出這部令人信服、引人入勝的力作。


● 作者簡介

Anthony C. Grayling是牛津大學新學院的人類學碩士畢業生,現擔任牛津大學聖安妮學院(St Anne’s College, Oxford)的臨時研究學者,他是認識論(epistemology)方面的專家。他撰寫和編輯超過30本有關哲學和相關題材的書,包括授權11國版權的《The History of Philosophy》。這些年來,他一直為英國《衛報》和《泰晤士報》供稿,並曾是2014年曼‧布克獎(2014 Man Booker Prize)的主席。


● 媒體報導

‘Grayling brings satisfying order to daunting subjects. To understand the world, we must appreciate both what is known and what remains to be known, and no one can instil that understanding more effectively than Grayling’ --- Steven Pinker, author of Enlightenment Now

‘A remarkable, readable and authoritative account of the full breath of human knowledge. This was an ambitious undertaking and Grayling has achieved here what few others could do. How he has mastered so much, so thoroughly, is nothing short of amazing. I was particularly pleased by how up to date and accurate his treatment of modern science was. Bravo!’ ---- Lawrence M. Krauss, author of A Universe from Nothing

‘Grayling's absorbing new book will bring you bang up-to-date with three of the great areas of human knowledge - fundamental physics, human history and brain science. This book hums with the excitement of the great human project of discovery’ ---- Adam Zeman, author of Aphantasia