UFOS: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities
John B. Alexander
St. Martin’s Press
Feb. 2011
● 內文簡介

本書尚未正式發行時,現已躋身美國亞馬遜網路書店的科學類暢銷書榜Top 30


在1980年代,當John B. Alexander仍在美國陸軍任職時,參加建立一個聯合組織,以不明飛行物體為討論主題,參加者來自陸軍、空軍、海軍、國家安全局、中央情報局、國防情報局和太空總署,所有與會者搜集到所有可能與不明飛行物體的資訊,並進行交流與討論,甚至有時還會採取適當的行動查知真偽。

二十年來的努力不懈,究竟他們掌握到什麼資料?在《UFOS: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities》一書裡,作者將會透過一些為人所知、不為人知的個案,揭露這個組織的神秘面紗,以及從他的經驗和實際資訊中探討UFO是否真實存在。


ˇUFO真的曾降落在美國墨西哥州霍曼空軍基地(Holloman Air Force Base)?








● 作者簡介

John B. Alexander 曾是美國陸軍上校、綠貝雷帽戰鬥軍官。退役後,任職於Los Alamos National Laboratory的專案經理,也是National Research Council和Council on Foreign Relations的成員,身兼National Intelligence Council、CIA、US Special Operations Command和Army Science Board的顧問。他現在是國防大學的資深研究員。


● 媒體報導

“Much of the extant literature pertaining to putative UFO phenomena tends to bog down in tedious reiterations of time-worn empirical evidence and speculative theoretical propositions. In refreshing contrast, John Alexander’s first-person reportage of the mish-mash of government attention (and curious lack thereof) to this potentially portentous subject quickly draws the reader into personal cognizance of an unfolding saga of all-too-familiar bureaucratic federal bumbling. The physical interpretations proposed by the author on the basis of his intimate personal involvement with this polyglot technical, political, and psychological scenario, therefore merit some careful consideration. No serious scholar of the persistent paradoxes that swirl around these bizarre phenomena should neglect these perspectives.”—R.G. Jahn, Professor and Dean, Emeritus School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University

“With his unique perspective developed over decades of cutting-edge work within the scientific, military and intelligence communities, John Alexander offers a fresh perspective on UFO sightings and claims of government cover-up. A former U.S. Army colonel who has had direct involvement in many unusual projects, Alexander chips away at layers of false or misleading claims by overly-credulous “believers” and shoot-from-the hip “skeptics” as he reminds us of the importance of good sense and focuses on the evidence. He guides readers through a labyrinth of government bureaucracies and agencies as he progresses to his inescapable conclusions on the scope and depth of government cover-up and implications for society. Readers with preformed expectations may be surprised by his thesis. UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities is an intriguing, wry, and unconventional book by an unconventional author. A real page-turner, it presents ideas that will either delight or infuriate almost every reader.”—Albert A. Harrison, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, UC Davis, author of Starstruck:

Cosmic Visions in Science, Religion and Folklore

“Anyone who takes more than a cursory look at the UFO phenomenon will sooner or later ask himself or herself two questions: (a) Is the phenomenon real? and (b) If it is, what is the US Government doing about it? Alexander considers both questions. His answer to (a) is not surprising—Yes, it is real, maybe involving extraterrestrial spacecraft. But his answer to (b) is surprising—The US Government is not interested, and is doing nothing about it. Not everyone will agree with his answers, but most will agree that he was well qualified to look into both questions, and pursued them energetically. This book will interest anyone with an interest in UFOs—whatever they are, whatever their purpose, and whatever their origin.”—Peter Sturrock, Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics and Emeritus Director of the Center for Space Science and Astrophysics at Stanford University, and Founding President of the Society for Scientific Exploration