The Zone of Connection: Shift Your Energy to Happiness, Love, and Beyond
Penny Mallinson and Sue Coyne
Lid Publishing
March 2019
● 內文簡介

The Zone of Connection offers a simple but powerful practice to transform your life just 5 minutes a day, going beyond mindfulness, showing you how to shift from being on autopilot to one of full connection and experiencing flow in all areas of your life.

With simple but powerful techniques, stemming from research into neuro and quantum science, you can experience internal transformation and become your own master. This book demonstrates how to shift out of this default operating system to one of full connection and by doing so living to our full potential. It is this zone that the great masters and ancient wisdom traditions point to - a beautiful, powerful state that is now available to everyone. The authors provide a new simple approach that is easy to apply, and through this practice, anyone can be fully present, feeling happiness and love and be at their very best every day.


● 作者簡介

Penny Mallinson是一位導師、教練和個人發展領域上經驗豐富的調解人,擁有組織心理學和人類心理學工商管理碩士學位。

Sue Coyne是成功的轉型領導和團隊教練,也是暢銷書《Stop Doing, Start Leading》的作者。


● 媒體報導