Bike Snob: Systematically and Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling by "Bike Snob"
Eben Weiss
Hardie Grant Books
Nov. 2010
● 內文簡介

* 美國People雜誌評選本書作為美國今年父親節的「最佳禮物書」。

* 美國出版社Chronicle Books自五月出版,蟬聯非文學暢銷書榜,已二刷。

* 英國亞馬遜網路書店非文學類的自行車暢銷書No.8

Cycling is exploding - in a good way. Urbanites everywhere, from ironic hipsters to earth-conscious commuters, are taking to the bike like aquatic mammals to water. BikeSnobNYC - cycling's most prolific, well-known, hilarious, and anonymous blogger - brings a fresh and humorous perspective to the most important vehicle to hit personal transportation since the horse. Bike Snob treats readers to a laugh-out-loud rant and rave about the world of bikes and their riders, and offers a unique look at the ins and outs of cycling, from its history and hallmarks to its wide range of bizarre practitioners. Throughout, the author lampoons the missteps, pretensions, and absurdities of bike culture while maintaining a contagious enthusiasm for cycling itself. Bike Snob is an essential volume for anyone who knows, is, or wants to become a cyclist. Bycicles have experienced a resurgence in popularity over the past few years so this book is sure to appeal to many. The book includes 2-colour sketches and breakout boxes with hints and tips throughout. Visit the popular blog at http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/

(five-page spread with illustrations)


(online version)



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