*"As a yarn, this is up there with the 'Da Vinci Code' but in '1599' it's all true!" -Sir Ian McKellan
*"A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare sustains a biographical paradox quite brilliantly. By concentrating its focus on a single year of Shakespeare's life, it gives a whole large picutre of his life, times, and achievement. Wonderful." -Andrew Motion, England's Poet Laureate
在1599年這一年中,大文豪莎士比亞完成了四部劇作:《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《亨利五世》(Henry V)、《皆大歡喜》(As You Like It)和《凱薩大帝》(Julius Caesar)。究竟是什麼原因讓莎士比亞在這一年中爆發創作天賦完成四部叫好劇作呢?
本書作者James Shapiro,也是哥倫比亞大學教導莎士比亞文學的教授,不僅清楚了解到莎士比亞的創作天賦,甚至相信這個現象的產生關係著他的財務和私人的理由,像是在這一年初,莎士比亞離開家鄉到倫敦的全球戲院(Globe Theatre);還有他親眼看到他的同事Spenser莫名地且身無分文的死掉.......。