Live, Love, Work, Prosper: A Fresh Approach to Integrating Life and Work
Michael Tobin
Profile Books
January 2018
● 內文簡介

A provocative, life-affirming manifesto, which reimagines the work-life balance and inspires us all to bravely embrace the new life-love-work continuum.

Charismatic, philanthropic and multi-award-winning entrepreneur Michael Tobin has led an inspirational life – from growing up in poverty in East London, moving to conflict-ridden Rhodesia to taking TelecityGroup from near bankruptcy to a billon-dollar company in under a decade – and in Live, Love, Work, Prosper he shares the invaluable experience he’s gained from his “life-affirming rags-to-riches tale”.

In Live, Love, Work, Prosper Michael draws on his personal and professional experience to challenge the received wisdom that there needs to be , or even can be, a divide or a ‘balance’ between work and life. This is truer than ever, given dizzyingly rapid rates of change in technology, business models and family fragmentation. He reevaluates how – now and into the future – we can be liberated by an integrated approach to success at work that’s more in tune with a satisfying and fulfilling personal life.

Through anecdote, personal examples and clear thinking, Michael Tobin shows us that drawing on the combines strengths of life, love and work creates a powerful new way of living. The result is a provocative, thoughtful manifesto which aims to alter forever the old school thinking of work-life balance and replace it with a far braver new world of work-life integration. Live, Love, Work, Prosper “might just save your relationship, your career and your sanity.”


● 作者簡介

Michael Tobin is an entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist and an acknowledged authority on leadership, management techniques and business innovation. The Former CEO of TelecityGroup, he has won multiple business awards including Entrepreneur and Outstanding leader of the Year, was nominated as Business Leader of the Year in the National Business Awards and received the OBE for ‘Services to the Digital Economy.’ He is the author of Forget Strategy: Get Results.


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