Two Birds in a Tree: Timeless Indian Wisdom for Business Leaders
Ram Nidumolu
Oct. 2013
● 內文簡介

金融危機與環境災難一波接一波襲來,為什麼這般沉痛後又再發生呢?莫非是各項補救措施的疏失?史丹福大學科茲梅斯全球共同實驗室學者暨本書作者Ram Nidumolu運用印度古代智慧之書《奧義書》中的一則寓言故事,告訴讀者現存領導概念的缺陷,以及提出全新的領導哲學——「本質為中心的領導」(Being-centered Leadership)。


根據《奧義書》的說法,棲息在高處的鳥已經接觸到事實的本質,明白在核心中存在的自己。所謂的「本質為中心的領導」(Being-centered Leadership)就是從尋找一個地方引領到明白存在本質的努力。簡單地說,現在的商界領袖不會考慮公司的責任,他們的行動任由本能感覺所主導,就像停歇在大樹低層的鳥,不論好壞,只能看到眼前的利益,然而,這些領袖忘記企業與社會唇齒相依的關係。當社會環境遭受破壞時,他們的公司同樣會陷入困境。


在《Two Birds in a Tree》一書中,作者不僅透過《奧義書》中的故事揭露現今商界問題,還有他自己與其他具豐富經驗的全球公司執行長的故事輔佐說明,包括了百事食品、西南航空、天柏嵐(Timberland),以及好市多零售商(Costco)等執行長,加以說明「本質為中心的領導」哲學原則,並提出透過這個哲學的四個階段路線圖,藉此幫助領導者培養出一個有感知的本質。



● 作者簡介

Ram Nidumolu,是InnnovaStrat的創辦人和執行長,該公司是一家為全球企業提供策略顧問服務的公司。他也是史丹福大學科茲梅斯全球共同實驗室(Kozmetsky Global Collaboratory)的學者,以及美國著名商管學校的前教授,並於2013年贏得「Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award」。


● 媒體報導

“This book provides a timely—and eloquent—reminder that business does not operate in a moral vacuum and that tomorrow’s business leaders will need to be driven by a deeper sense of purpose. After reading it, no one can doubt that business can—and should—become a giver and not a taker in a system that gives it life in the first place.” ——Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever

“Two Birds in a Tree beautifully describes principles that enable leaders to give back to humanity and nature while running successful companies. It is a book filled with wonderful images and stories, both ancient and modern, that are worth savoring.” ——Casey Sheahan, CEO, Patagonia

“Two Birds in a Tree helps open up our minds to the importance of leadership that is anchored in our interconnection. As leaders, we need to listen more deeply to each other, find purpose in our work, and commit to making a positive change in the world.” ——Eileen Fisher, founder and CEO, Eileen Fisher, Inc.

“If we are to make a transition to a humane world where business restores equality, ecology, and equanimity, it will be based on the principles revealed in our ancient collective wisdom as so beautifully portrayed herein.” ——Paul Hawken, author of The Ecology of Commerce and Blessed Unrest