How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things: Breaking the 8 Hidden Barriers that Plague Even the Best Business
Neil Smith and Patricia O’Connell
St. Martin’s Press
June 2012
● 內文簡介

★ 《紐約時報》非文學暢銷書第11名

★ 《華爾街日報》暢銷書第9名

★ 《出版人週刊》暢銷書第7名

★ 《今日美國》暢銷書總榜第78名

★ 美國亞馬遜網路書店的暢銷商管書第1名


擁有二十多年領導公司做出大規模成效改善的管理專家Neil Smith,就在新作《How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things》中揭露:阻礙一家優秀公司發揮潛力的八個主要障礙,這些障礙甚至可以將一家公司過去的卓越管理和領導毀於一夕。

在本書中,作者指出,我們可以擁有上千個新構思來改善我們的工作表現,可是卻不能忽略存在於每一家企業組織內的八個障礙,同時必須加以預防。我們只要能夠防止這八個障礙,將能為公司帶來一個承諾(A Promise)──達到更高的目標。


Avoiding Controversy:避免爭論

Poor Use of Time:差勁的時間管理

Reluctance to Change:勉強的改變

Organizational Silos:組織的孤立

Management Blockers:管理障礙

Incorrect Information and Bad Assumptions:錯誤的資訊和不設實際的假設

Size Matters:規模問題

Existing Processes:現存的程序



● 作者簡介

Neil Smith 是一家企業公司Promontory Growth and Innovation的執行長,擁有超過二十年幫助大企業改進業績和盈利的經驗,幫助上門求助的公司(顧客)提升百分之二十以上的業績。

Patricia O’Connell 曾是BloombergBusinessweek.com的商管書編輯,擁有二十多年編輯商業、管理和策略等相關寫作與著作的經驗。


● 媒體報導

“Neil Smith has helped create incalculable shareholder value and customer loyalty for companies across America and around the world with one 'radical' idea: Our own employees know where the barriers to success are, and they know how to break them down so the CEO and the management teams can drive the vision and strategy we set for our companies.” —Brian T. Moynihan, chief executive officer, Bank of America Corporation

“This exciting book, How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things, provides an in-depth look at the structural and behavioral barriers that keep organizations from outstanding performance, and offers a clear set of principles to get on track. Neil Smith's brilliant insights into removing these barriers and empowering employees to produce creative ideas are a must-read for managers everywhere.” —Bill George, professor of Management Practice, Harvard Business School, former chairman & CEO of Medtronic, Inc. and author of True North

“Neil Smith makes "A Promise" for transforming your organization, and I can attest from his work with us at NYSE Euronext that he delivers. In this book, he outlines the process by which any company can become more efficient and profitable while reducing complexity. It is a must-read for any company that wants to improve its performance and for any manager who is serious about adding value to their organization.” —Duncan Niederauer, chief executive officer, NYSE Euronext

“This book provides a practical, common sense guide to the main stumbling blocks facing business leaders and how to deal with them.” —John Quelch, dean of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai