The Art of Management According to Confucius
Enrique Benito
LID Publishing
Sep 2011
● 內文簡介

《The Art of Management According to Confucius》是一本把孔子哲學應用在日常商務上的書,透過故事的形式述說如何把孔子的理念應用在當今的管理和激勵團隊精神上,有趣而實用。此書已售出四國版權。

One of Confucius’s principal occupations was educating young noblemen in the tasks of managing and administrating the state. In contrary to popular belief, his writings are not the basis of any religious doctrine but in fact are based on the description of characteristics which all good managers should possess in order to use their power wisely.

In this book the author has selected those quotes from the work of Confucius whose meaning can be applied directly to the day to day life of the business executive, complementing them with opinions and experiences of well known figures fro the business world in order to make the reader think and reflect on different specific and practical aspects such as leadership, training, and the management of teams from an ethical position.

The book is structured as a meeting between the managing director and the board of directors, in which they are told that the company is going to open a new factory in China. To this effect a selection and training process is to take place in order to recruit a managing director for this important new location. The responsibility of training falls of Yan, a Chinese civil servant with an excellent background in western style business economics but also an expert in Confucius and hit teachings on leadership and management of human teams.


● 作者簡介

Enrique Benito worked as Auditing Mager for Deloitte, Economics & Finance Director for the Agency EFE and General Director of Movierecord and is curreny employed as Director for GB Consulting belonging to the GB Investment Banking Group. He is co-author of the book “50 years of Spanish awards in Advertising”.


● 媒體報導