Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs came to Rule the World
William D. Cohan
April. 2011
● 內文簡介

★ 美國亞馬遜網路書店財經暢銷書榜第23名

★《Money and Power》是暢銷得獎作家William D. Cohan的最新力作

繼暢銷書《The Last Tycoons》和《House of Cards》引起極大迴響之後,作者William D. Cohan在新作《Money and Power》披露了高盛投資銀行耐人尋味的歷史發展。這家在世界金融界佔有領導地位的投資機構,教人懼怕而又具爭議性。

這家擁有142年歷史的投資銀行,比它的競爭者更給予人一種良好形象:精明、有學養、有道德而且會賺錢。這公司能爬到今日的成就,在於它在財經工業界的進取和世故,經常自吹自擂其商業模式「高盛方式」(The Goldman Way),聘請最優秀的人才,灌輸他們企業文化,例如放棄自我尋求更好、堅持十四條主要信條等。信條的第一條就是:「總是以客顧的興趣為優先」。



無可否認,高盛勤勉栽培人員在政府的影響力,是其成功因素之一。自1913年,享利.高盛(Henry Goldman)勸告當時的美國政府如何管理聯邦儲備和組成華爾街;在西德尼.溫伯格掌管高盛的四十年中,又為當時的總統羅斯福和甘迺迪提出不少建議,有「幕後政治家」之稱,跟政府保持良好的友誼。從過去的歷史,高盛的管理者曾為多位美國前總統如尼克遜、雷根、柯林頓和喬治.布希募務選舉經費,又邀請前國務卿季辛古(Henry Kissinger)和前財政部長桑默思(Lawrence Summers)任顧問和演講者,而在2008年經濟危機時期,有兩位高盛的前主管魯賓(Robert Rubin)和保爾森(Henry Paulson)更被任命為財政部長,這都被受外界爭議,甚至有陰謀論的說法。

另一項主要被受爭議的是高盛許多的交易都可能涉及利益衝突,但他們從來不澄清,僅是斷言他們自己是具有誠信的機構,然而,歷史一再重演,讓人質疑他們的誠信,就等同他們那位最厚顏無恥的現位執行長勞埃德.布蘭克芬(Lloyd Blankfein)經常玩笑自己正在做「神的工作」。

《紐約時報》書評人Michiko Kakutani讚稱本書作者William D. Cohan是位最出色的華爾街調查員,也是一位出色的說故事者。在本書中,他整理出所有資料,舖陳流暢地敘述高盛、美國政界和融界最不為人知的一面。


● 作者簡介

William D. Cohan 是前華爾街投資銀行家,也是榮獲《金融時報》暨高盛年度最佳商業圖書獎的《The Last Tycoons》作者。他也為《The Financial Times》、《財富》、《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》和《The Daily Beast》撰寫文章,並經常擔任CNBC的嘉賓主持。


● 媒體報導

"[A] definitve account of the most profitable and influential investment bank of the modern era....recounts these events capably.....[and explains] Goldman's cultivation of a reputation for brilliance unique even in the rarefied precincts of Wall Street.....gives readers the information they need to ponder whether investment banking has moved in a constructive direction."--The New York Times Book Review

"A well-researched history and analysis of the world’s most powerful investment bank. Written with the co-operation of the top people at Goldman, Cohan’s book is neither a hatchet-job nor a whitewash – and all the better for that."--The Financial Times

"[Money and Power] offers the best analysis yet of Goldman's increasingly tangled web of conflicts...The writing is crisp and the research meticulous, drawing on reams of documents made publicly available by congressional committees and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission."-- The Economist

"A former Lazard Freres & Co. banker and newspaper reporter, Cohan brings the bank's sometimes 'schizophrenic' behavior to vivid life...Drawing on more than 100 interviews with clients, competitors and Goldman leaders including Chief Executive Officer Lloyd C. Blankfein, Cohan evinces an eye for telling images and an ear for deadpan quotations."-- Bloomberg

"In MONEY & POWER, journalist and former investment banker William D. Cohan launches a quixotic quest to show that Mr. Blankfein and his peers are money-sucking evil-doers that came to their riches mostly by nefarious means...Mr. Cohan's complaints against Goldman seem to be that it is 'ruthless' in pursuit of profit; doesn't do enough to protect its instutitional clients from making bad decisions; works too closely with government; too often advises clients on both sides of a deal; and skirts close to the line of 'insider trading'."-- Mary Kissel, The Wall Street Journal