Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction
Marcia Reynolds
Berrett Koehler
June 2010
● 內文簡介

There’s a new generation of high-achieving women today—confident, ambitious, accomplished, driven. And yet, as master coach Marcia Reynolds discovered, many of them are also anxious, discontented, and frustrated. They’re constantly questioning their purpose, juggling multiple roles, and reevaluating their goals. As a result they’re restless—they move from job to job, from challenge to challenge, almost on impulse. They’re wander women..

Existing personal growth books, so focused on empowerment and encouragement, can’t help these women. They don’t need to find their voice—they know how to roar. They don’t expect balance in their lives—but they long to find peace in the chaos. They aren’t necessarily focused on gaining a seat in the boardroom—they want projects that mean something or businesses they run on their own.

Reynolds helps wander women understand the roots of their restlessness and make their wandering a conscious strategy, not a reaction. Drawing on extensive research and interviews she illuminates the needs that drive their decisions and the core assumptions that lock them into rigid perfectionist patterns. She offers a wealth of exercises and practices that will enable wander women to reset their mental programming, discover new ways of finding direction, and thoughtfully choose and plan their futures, whether they climb the corporate ladder, find satisfaction below the glass ceiling, or set out on their own.

For every woman plagued by frustration and self-doubt—“Will what I’ve done ever feel good enough?”—Wander Woman sets the stage to uncover the answers to life’s tough questions about meaning and purpose, significance and value, and the legacy you can leave from a life lived well.


● 作者簡介

Marcia Reynolds, organizational psychologist and certified master coach, is president of Covisioning, a training and coaching firm helping companies worldwide unleash the brilliance in their people. She is a former president of the International Coach Federation and is the author of Outsmart Your Brain and Capture the Rapture.


● 媒體報導

“Validating and welcome support to high-achieving women and the managers and coaches who seek to help unleash and channel their talent. ‘Wander women’ will find both comfort and challenge here, plus a comprehensive program to address those areas that create frustration in their lives.” —Kathleen Flanagan, founder, Leadership Communication, Inc.