Lessons of A Lipstick Queen: Finding and Developing the Great Idea That Can Change Your Life
Poppy King
March 2008
● 內文簡介

15歲,苦惱找不到一只適合唇色的口紅23歲,躋身自創品牌的百萬富翁 創意人人皆有,財富卻不是人人賺得到,為什麼呢?


你做過白日夢嗎?曾想做些不同的事情嗎?曾想過「如果是…」或「我希望…」嗎?相信你一定有過。只要腦袋裡產生什麼想法,我們就會問自己:「應該『做』些什麼呢?」當思緒走到這一步問題時,從此就停在這裡裹足不前,沒有答案收場,最後,成功致富就離你越來越遙遠了...... 在書展時,我收到一只上面印著「口紅之后」(Lipstick Queen)的口紅,包裝設計沒有知名化妝品品牌的奢華,口紅的顏色像是用幾種不同顏料調出來的色澤,原來手上這只口紅正是美、澳年輕女孩最愛的口紅品牌,也是《Lessons of A Lipstick Queen》一書作者Poppy King 自十五歲自創研發,在二十三歲那年,已有百萬富翁的身價,且在1995年榮獲澳洲頒發的"年度青年才俊澳洲人獎"。

Poppy King 認為每個人都有創意想法,就像她一樣。記得在她十五歲的時候,為了外出玩,她喜歡與同學一起化妝,可是老覺得市面上銷售的口紅顏色都不是她想要的,常常懊惱:為什麼沒有一隻適合我的唇膏?在她高中畢業後,她開始研發設計屬於自己的顏色唇膏。二十三歲那年,她已是一位自家生產口紅的百萬富翁,擁有「口紅之后」的自創品牌。許多人問她為什麼會選「口紅」?她的答案很簡單,也真的是這麼單純:找不到一隻適合自己的唇膏,就自己動手做吧。

對她來說,一個好主意(good idea)改變了她的生活,同樣地,你腦袋裡也有一個想法會改變你。在這本書中,她提出了自己情感上和操作觀點上的觀察和經驗,也希望讀者能藉由她走向成功所學到的課程中學習。在這些課程中,有成功的,也有錯誤的,不過,作者希望能夠藉此激勵讀者挖掘出屬於自己成功致富的潛力。

Lesson #1: Everyone has ideas.Lesson

#2: Take any sentence starting with “I wish” very seriously.Lesson

#3: You make the difference.Lesson

#4: Allow for an incubation period.Lesson

#5: Fantasizing is essential.Lesson

#6: Ideas are commoditiesLesson

#7: Ideas and decisions are different.Lesson

#8: Figure out what is driving the decision.Lesson

#9: Imagine the worst case scenario.Lesson

#10: Use instinct to navigate a decision.Lesson

#11: Get savvy about taking advice.Lesson

#12: Manage your inner critic.Lesson

# 13: Face your fear.Lesson

#14: Avoid over complicationLesson

#15: The destination determines the journey.Lesson

#16: Go back to school. Lesson #17: Just ask.Lesson

# 18: Use the webs.Lesson

#19: Watch your priorities.Lesson

# 20: The SWOT remains the same.Lesson

#21: How to brainstorm.Lesson

#22: Things Aren’t Always How They Seem.Lesson

#23: You’re always on a mission.Lesson

#24: Close the information gap. Lesson

#25: Start with the questions.Lesson

#26: Mapping it outLesson

#27: Prepare for changesLesson

#28: Ideas need money, and vice versa. Lesson

#29: Deciding between financing optionsLesson

# 30: Speak the LanguageLesson

#31: Business Partner 101Lesson

#32: Sometimes, a dollar is more than just a dollar.Lesson

#33: Ownership isn’t everything.Lesson

#34: Keep it real. Lessons

#35-38: The Four Elements of Successful MarketingLesson

#35: Something SimpleLesson

#36: Something TrueLesson

#37: Something ConsistentLesson

#38: Something with a Point of View Lesson

#39: Strive for balance.Lesson

#40: Cold calling the easy way.Lesson

#41: Get rocks in your head.Lesson

#42: Hierarchies are everywhere.Lesson

#43: The ABC of Business – Always Be CourteousLesson

#44: Local Girl Makes HeadlineLesson

# 45: Timing is everything.Lesson

#46: Ask not what the media can do for you, but what you can do for…Lesson

#47: Personality and the media.Lesson

#48: Media is not the answer.Lesson

#49: Watch out for bad omens.Lesson

#50: Choose or lose.Lesson

#51: Don’t follow the competition.Lesson

#52: Some rules aren’t meant to be broken.Lesson

#53: The long and the short of it.Lesson

#54: Stop the DENIAL.Lesson

#55: Use ANGER with caution.Lesson

#56: BARGAINING isn’t the answer.Lesson

#57: How to bounce back from DEPRESSION.Lesson

#58: ACCEPTANCE is the key.Lesson

#59: Your customer is always right.Lesson

#60: You’re not alone.Lesson

#61: Ivory Tower Syndrome


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