Managers in the West love the idea of the One right Answer. Their passionate search for this Holy Grail of management explains the famous of infamous procession of fads and fashions- none more pervasive than Shareholder Value – that have captured the headlines. As Robert Heller explains in this penetrating book, the One Right Anwer is that there is no One Right Answer. That's a paradox in itself. But management is above all the art and science of paradox, of learning to live with – and prosper by – contradiction and compromise.
That demands Fusion Management. Just as fusion cooking combines the best of West and East, of old and new, the Fusion Manager does much the same. This book is full of recipes for blending the thrust of Western management for certainty and novelty with the Eastern knowledge that nothing in human affairs is sure, and that management is essentially a human, not a scientific activity. Fusion Management sums up the East's unending quest for a perfection that's always beyond reach, and the Western manager's equally paradoxical urge to sustain rates of long-term growth that are always unsustainable.