The Buzz: 50 Little Things That Make a Big Difference to Serve Your Customers
David Freemantle
Nicholas Brealey Publishing
23 Sep 2004
● 內文簡介

Organistaions that excel at service Buzz. Their people are switched on and they make it happen for customers. It is down to all the little things they get right. They focus on what counts and in the world of commerce as well as in public service there is only one person that counts, and that is the customer. "Get the First Five Seconds right"; The original Tom Peters-style fashion for customer service evolved into CRM (customer relations management) and as companies struggled to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance profits they allowed high-technology and computers to take over many of the traditional roles exercised by empowered and customer-friendly front-line people. Call centre, IVR (interactive voice recording) and Internet ordering became the order of the day. Empowered front-line employees were proving just too expensive and too unreliable to provide cost-effective customer service. In other words many companies lost the plot. "Make customers Laugh"; This book is aimed at stimulating senior executives, managers and front-line employees to re-examine the little things they do every day in relation to customers (external and internal). It will help them focus on the mi


● 作者簡介

Dr David Freemantle is the founder of Superboss Ltd ( www.superboss.co.uk ). He is a pioneering author, whose many books include what Customers Like About You (also from Nicholas Brealey Publishing), and is a well-known speaker, respected across the world for his seminars on leadership, people management and customer service.


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