How to Get Seriously Rich While Failing in Business: A Fat Cat's Guide to Management
Philip Sadler and John Jensen
Souvenir Press
16 Oct 2003
● 內文簡介

Different people have different goals in life. Some just want to be happy, some to be famous, some want excitement and danger, some want to serve mankind and others want to be seriously rich. If you in the last group this book is written for you.

You may not have the managerial and leadership skills needed to manage a major business successfully but that need not stop you.

If you manage your career with one aim in mind – to become very wealthy indeed –then failure to create shareholder need not stand in your way. Even if lack of results leads in the end to losing your top job, the compensation package, a top hat pension and a clutch of non-executive directorships will keep you on the read to a very comfortable retirement.

Illustrated by John Jensen, this satirical guide to becoming a fat cat shows you step by step how it can be done – a humorous manual of one-upmanship in business, to be ignored at your peril!


● 作者簡介

Philip Sadler was the Chief Executive of Ashridge Business School, one of Britain 's top business schools, from 1969 to 1990. Since then he has held numerous non-executive directorships and worked as a consultant and writer on business matters.


● 媒體報導