Just Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair
Kim Scott
St. Martin’s Press
Mar. 2021
● 內文簡介

★ 《過得還不錯的一年》作者葛瑞琴.魯賓、《動機,單純的力量》作者丹尼爾.品克和《勇往直前》作者貝絲.康斯塔克盛情推薦





● 作者簡介

Kim Scott,是一家高管教育機構The Freedback Loop的聯合創辦人,同時也是Dropbox、Qualtrics、Twitter,以及多家矽谷企業的執行長教練。她曾經是蘋果大學(Apple University)教師成員之一,在此之前,任職於谷歌和YouTube等知名大企業。在發展管理生涯之前,她曾管理科索沃的兒科診所,在俄羅斯成立一個鑽石切割工廠,以及其他行業。她著有《紐約時報》暢銷書《徹底坦率》(Radical Candor)。


● 媒體報導

"Many books describe how to create a better workplace. What makes Just Work exceptionally interesting and valuable is that Kim Scott vividly describes specific situations: experiences she went through herself or saw happen to people around her; actions she did―or didn’t―take, both as an employee and as a boss; and conversations she regrets having or not having. From lessons she learned the hard way, Kim Scott presents a practical framework for how to make work more just."──Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project

"In this powerful and perceptive book, Kim Scott offers a bold vision ― a workplace where respect and collaboration prevail over domination and conformity. Just Work is a sparkling combination of moral courage and practical solutions. It belongs on the shelves ― and in the hearts and minds ― of leaders everywhere.”──Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When and Drive

"It's about time someone tackled this thorny subject. Bravo! Many workplaces get tangled up or ignore the issues when dealing with bias and difference. Thank goodness for Kim Scott and her dose of candor, offering us not just the words, but the courage and compassion required to deal with conflicting points of view. Just Work holds our hands, kicks our butts and shows us how."──Beth Comstock, author, Imagine It Forward, and former Vice Chair, GE