Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies
Ranjay Gulati
Harper Business
Feb. 2022
● 內文簡介

★已授權美、英(Penguin Busines)、日、韓、中簡,5國語文
★全球「50大管理思想家」(Thinkers 50)選為2022年度十大最佳新管理叢書



《意義深遠的目的》(Deep Purpose)一書亦受到了古拉蒂與貝萊德集團(Blackrock)總裁兼執行長勞倫斯.芬克(Larry Fink)及其同事五年來一連串對話的啟發。勞倫斯.芬克會在每年年終時為集團裡以及投資界的每個人寫一封信,而他最近兩封信的內容都與目的有關,去年他更直截了當地表示,貝萊德將不再建議客戶投資那些不把意義深遠的目的當成首要策略目標的公司。



● 作者簡介

蘭傑.古拉蒂(Ranjay Gulati),是哈佛商學院的教授,而且直到最近仍主持著哈佛首要的一項資深領導者經營管理計畫──進階管理計畫(Advanced Management Program)。他經常在世界各地演講,《經濟學人》(The Economist)、《金融時報》(Financial Times)、以及《經濟學人智庫》(Economist Intelligence Unit)皆將他列為屈指可數的幾位最能將管理付諸實踐的頂尖商學院學者之一。他亦擔任哈佛麥克阿瑟研究員(Harvard MacArthur Fellow)以及史隆基金會研究員(Sloan Foundation Fellow),他的研究被發表於權威的學術期刊上,作品也散見於《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)、《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)、《富比士》(Forbes)、以及《金融時報》。


● 媒體報導

“Ranjay Gulati, a preeminent scholar of organizational strategy, shows what it takes to ‘walk the talk' on purpose. Deep Purpose is an insightful, practical, and timely read.”

-Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

“In this provocative and richly-researched book, Ranjay Gulati argues that the pursuit of profits without purpose is no longer a sustainable business model. As he shows, the road to high performance, for both individuals and for companies, depends on deepening our connection to enduring and essential human values. If you want to be inspired to build more sustainable organizations, Deep Purpose should be your next read.”

-Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

“Deep Purpose points to the conversations we must have right now about how to redefine the role of business in society, restore trust, and enhance our license to operate. As Gulati rightly argues, the winning formula is moral leadership and a multistakeholder model with purpose at its core. It entails both leadership and systems transformation. Highly recommended.”

–Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever

“Brilliant and thought-provoking as ever, Ranjay Gulati applies scholarly rigor to the important topic of purpose. This book is a must-read for all leaders who wish to embark on or continue a journey toward a vibrant, high-performance business.”

-Kasper Rorsted, adidas CEO

“As a company means arriving at a clear understanding of what you were put on this planet to do. It helps you steer in the right direction, navigate tradeoffs, and, when connected to a social or personal purpose, it can inspire remarkable performance. Deep Purpose peels back the layers to unveil what it truly takes to cultivate a purpose-driven culture, one that enables both the company and its employees to experience its power and benefit from the growth it can generate.”

-Corie Barry, Best Buy CEO

“Many leaders today strive to align purpose with financial success, but only a few succeed. Gulati analyzes the tough challenges that leaders everywhere must address if they are to save the planet while also delivering strong profits. He provides a compelling account of what it means to be purpose-driven--a crucial objective for us as well as other organizations in the social innovation space.

-Toshiaki Higashihara, Executive Chairman & CEO, Hitachi, Ltd.

“Leaders often invoke the rhetoric of corporate purpose to elevate their or their company’s image. But for the people who work in these companies, the search for purpose is a real and defining part of their professional life. Gulati’s book illustrates how the best leaders help employees discover a tangible link between the organization’s stated purpose and what they do on the job. When people ‘come alive’ with a sense of purpose in their work, their motivation, energy, and creativity blossoms.”

-Ken Frazier, former CEO, Merck

“Purpose isn’t a ‘nice-to-have’ in the business world anymore. It’s a ‘must-have.’ Purpose-driven organizations will lead the future, and Ranjay Gulati’s Deep Purpose is essential reading for anyone who wants to be at the head of the pack. This comprehensive guide breaks down why cultivating purpose isn’t just the right thing for businesses to do – it’s the smart thing too.”

-Carmine Di Sibio, EY Global Chairman and CEO