Never Go with Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters
Gleb Tsipusky
Career Press
Nov. 2019
● 內文簡介


如何避免商業災難?不管是輕微的事故如團隊衝突,還是重大危機如破產威脅。行為經濟學研究發現,商業災難都由錯誤的決策所造成,而錯誤的決策源自於不完善的心理模式,學者稱之為「認知偏差」(cognitive biases)。本書作者Gleb Tsipusky指出,這一切都是可以預防。

認知偏差是特定模式的判斷偏差,主要由於人們以主觀感受而非客觀資訊進行思考,限制了判斷產生的過程。不幸地,許多典型的商業建議都叫領導者跟著直覺走來應付認知偏誤,結果導致災難性的決定,摧毀公司的根基。《Never Go with Your Gut》這本書透過實用個案和最新研究,幫助我們做出最佳決策,有效預防商業災難。





● 作者簡介

Gleb Tsipursky,是Disaster Avoidance Experts的執行長,他的客戶有來自《財星》雜誌500強的大企業,也有中型公司和非盈利組織。他擁有20年的顧問、教練和演講經驗。


● 媒體報導

“Gleb Tsipursky has written a highly readable and engaging book that describes effective strategies for overcoming the cognitive biases that impair our decision making every day. Business leaders can and should implement these practices so as to avoid the costly mistakes that often lead to disastrous outcomes for their enterprises.”──Michael A. Roberto, author of Unlocking Creativity and Trustee Professor of Management, Bryant University

“Never Go With Your Gut provides ample scientific as well as anecdotal evidence that making gut decisions in business, with today’s access to real information and experts, is a fool’s errand. In my advisory role, I’ve seen it too many times as a leading cause for entrepreneur failure or embarrassment. Thanks for making a convincing case that every business founder should read.”──Marty Zwilling, Founder & CEO of Startup Professionals, Inc., author of StartupPro, and Professor at Embry-Riddle University

“One of the biggest traps business leaders fall into is when they believe they are right when in fact they are very wrong. Why? Because of their blissful unawareness of how cognitive biases keep steering them down dangerous paths. Gleb Tsipursky has written the perfect book to fight back. No one reading this engaging and practical book can walk away believing they are immune to bias; anyone reading this book will now be armed with practical techniques to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.”──Sydney Finkelstein, professor of leadership at Dartmouth College, bestselling author, Superbosses

“The antidote for a hustle economy run by the seat of your pants, Dr. Tsipursky carves a rational path forward for business strategy based on data, insight and proven best practices.”──Mark Schaefer, author of Marketing Rebellion

“In an era where hasty decision making and intuition have become the rage, Gleb brings us back to more rational decision making and leadership behaviors that are proven to yield higher success and results.”──Mark Faust, Founder of Echelon Management and author, High Growth Levers