Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business
Harley Manning and Kerry Bodine
Amazon Publishing
Aug. 2012
272 pp
● 內文簡介

★ 授權義、韓、泰、中簡、中繁(財信,已絕版)

究竟是什麼簡單的創新概念,為富達投信帶來超過十億美元的投資單?什麼單純的小誤會讓原本擁有成長潛力的Office Depot公司營收倒退?


然而,儘管以客為尊的道理人人懂,多數的企業也積極建立品牌形象,希望提升顧客滿意度,建立對於品牌的忠誠度。但問題是, 「顧客體驗」往往淪為行銷的口號,卻無法實際的落實。 否則為什麼越來越多企業透過設計問卷、增加客服人員數量,但是顧客滿意度卻直直落?

本書《Outside In》的兩位作者哈利‧曼寧(Harley Manning)與凱利‧伯汀(Kerry Bodine)是美國佛瑞斯特研究公司「顧客體驗研究部」的創始人及首席分析師,以14年的研究經驗,將「顧客體驗」真正落實在商業競爭當中,並教導企業改變經營策略,面對經營上的挑戰,進而領先其他的同業。



Ø 闡述「顧客體驗」的價值
Ø 「顧客體驗」的6大指導原則
Ø 「顧客體驗」如何對企業造成改變

《Outside In》以令人大開眼界的方式,讓讀者徹底瞭解聰明的企業如何透過正確地善用「顧客體驗」,獲得持續的成功。同時也讓人瞭解「顧客體驗」不僅只於「第一線」的工作人員,而是公司整體必須著重的核心價值。


● 作者簡介

哈利‧曼寧(Harley Manning)於1988年加入美國佛瑞斯特研究公司,成立了「顧客體驗」研究部門。他的研究部門為超過1500家公司網站進行分析,評估網站客戶的體驗指數。他所舉辦的年度行銷論壇,吸引超過全球數千名各領域的企業家。現與妻兒一同居住於美國麻州。

凱利‧伯汀(Kerry Bodine)是美國佛瑞斯特研究公司「顧客體驗」的首席分析師,同時也是「顧客體驗生態圈」概念的創始者。她的研究成果經常發表於《哈佛商業評論》、《富比世》以及《廣告時代》…等網站之上。現與丈夫一同居住在美國舊金山。


● 媒體報導

"This eye-opener gives you a comprehensive, need-to-know look at how smart companies achieve sustainable success in dealing with customers. Hint: It involves the entire organization, not just those on the 'front lines.' The GPS-like guidance provided here is invaluable."
— Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Forbes

"Manning and Bodine understand that a good customer experience is actually less expensive to provide than a poor one and customers will pay more for a good one than for a bad one. Nothing drives profitability like an excellent customer experience does."
— Dan Hesse, CEO, Sprint

"Today’s consumer has more information and choices at their fingertips than ever before. The ability to deliver a fast, effective and trustworthy customer experience is often the difference between success and failure. OUTSIDE IN details the tangible disciplines a company can master in order to differentiate itself from the competition through the customer experience."
— Kathleen Murphy, President, Personal Investing, Fidelity Investments

"CIOs who want to travel down that path [of success] but need a bit of guidance should look at Outside In…By looking closely at the problems customers experienced that led them to call customer service, some of these companies either slashed costs by billions of dollars or generated billions in new revenue."
—The Wall Street Journal