The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community
David C. Korten
Berrett-Koehler Publishing
April 2006
● 內文簡介

David Korten's classic bestseller 《When Corporations Rule the World》 was one of the first books to articulate the destructive and oppressive nature of the global corporate economy. Now, ten years later, Korten shows that the problem runs deeper than corporate domination ──with far greater consequences.


Prologue: In Search of the Possible

Part I: Choosing Our Future

1. The Choice

2. The Possibility

3. The Imperative

4. The Opportunity

Part II: Sorrows of Empire

5. When God Was a Woman

6. Ancient Empire

7. Modern Empire

8. Athenian Experiment

Part III: America, The Unfinished Project

9. Inauspicious Beginning

10. People Power Rebellion

11. Empire's Victory

12. Struggle for Justice

13. Wake Up Call

14. Prisons of the Mind

Part IV: The Great Turning

15. Beyond Strict Father Vs Aging Clock

16. Creation's Epic Journey

17. Joys of Earth Community

18. Stories for a New Era

Part V: Birthing Earth Community

19. Leading from Below

20. Building Consensus

21. Liberating Creative Potential

22. Waking Up, Changing Course


● 作者簡介

David C. Korten,撰有暢銷書《When Corporations Rule the World》和《企業理想國》(The Post-Corporate World)。


● 媒體報導