Breaking the Trust Barrier: How Leaders Close the Gap for High Performance
JV Venable
Berrett-Koehler Publication
June 2016
● 內文簡介

對於美國空軍雷鳥飛行表演隊(US Air Force Thunderbirds)來說,「團隊合作」(termwork)攸關生死。在演練時,飛機近距離飛行,機身與機身之間最少只有18英寸,你可以想像,支撐這距離全靠隊員之間高度的信任。信任,讓雷鳥做出超凡的表現,同樣地,在地表上,企業組織從執行長到中層管理人都得面對同樣挑戰——團隊合作。

飛行員、雷鳥指揮官暨本書作者JV Venable在新書《Breaking the Trust Barrier》向讀者展現團隊表現的關鍵要素。他指出,雷鳥飛行員的工作是就是醒覺地接近自己的隊友,近距離就是一種託付、尊重和承諾。領導者如何盡量減少隊員之間的情緒摩擦,讓他們彼此信任,合作無間?作者借助飛行技術「牽引」作為說明,飛機之間拉近距離,能達到省油的效果,等同公司團隊隊員之間的緊密合作,互相牽引會帶來更佳的表現。




● 作者簡介

JV Venable,畢業於美國空軍飛行武器學校(USAF’s Fighter Weapons School),擔任美國空軍雷鳥飛行表演隊指揮官,曾指揮1,100位飛行員參與95次飛行戰鬥。他現在是研究和發展公司副總裁、又是傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)的資深研究員,以及醫藥公司MercyMedical Angels的董事會成員。


● 媒體報導

“As a leader in situations that are literally life-or-death, JV brings street cred to the challenge of leading high-performance teams. His examples come from the physics of close-formation aerial maneuvers and the incredibly small tolerances that make the difference between good and extraordinary. With quiet humor and humility, he uses those stories to offer insight and actionable advice leader to leader.” ——Mark E. White, Principal, Global Consulting Chief Technology Officer, Deloitte Consulting, LLP

“JV does an amazing job of sharing powerful real-life examples that we can implement in our organizations. A fascinating read that delivers a message so powerful yet practical. This book should be required reading for all leaders looking to take their teams to new heights!” ——Bob Korzeniewski, Executive Vice President for Strategic Development, Verisign Inc., 2000-2007

“Even though this was written by the ‘competition,' I found Breaking the Trust Barrier to be a great read. JV delivers a powerful message in a way that will stay with you and your team for years to come. Drafting is not just a process for building and leading high-performance teams; it's a pathway to success.” ——Rob “Ice” Ffield, Blue Angels Flight Leader/Commanding Officer, 2001–2002, and President and CEO, CATSHOT Group, LLC