The Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership
Dave Ulrich
Berrett-Koehler Publication
Oct. 2015
● 內文簡介

一個可跟穆迪(Moody’s)和標準普爾(Standard & Poor’s)評級媲美的指數,並將成為領導力的新準則。


領導力已經成為投資者日益重要的投資決定因素,一個可信的領導力評估,不僅對投資者很有幫助,甚至對董事會、行政團隊、人力資源部門、領導力發展專業機構、政府以及領導者本身都很重要。密西根大學商學院教授暨本書作者Dave Ulrich針對領導力,提供一個可計算評級及有說服力的「領導力資本指數」(Leadership Capital Index)。



√ 個人能力:領導能力

√ 戰略能力:對未來有清楚的方向和策略

√ 行政能力:把事情做好

√ 人際能力:建立和維持有效的勞動力

√ 品牌領導能力:擔起公司外利益相關者的期望


√ 公司文化:創造有效率的文化

√ 人才管理過程:人士流動的管理

√ 問責過程:加強適宜的表現和行為

√ 工作過程:有組織地應付不斷的改變

√ 資訊過程:利用資訊產生影響



● 作者簡介

Dave Ulrich,是密西根大學商學院商業行政學Rensis Likert教授,以及人力訓練和領導力發展顧問公司RBL Group合夥人。他曾是Speaking.com的商業管理演講者Top1、《Business Week》選為最佳商管教育家之一、雜誌《HR》選為人力資源界中最具影響力人物。


● 媒體報導

“No one is born a CEO. There's a full skillset that must be learned over time. Drawing on extensive research, Dave's approach to measuring this special brand of leadership enables investors and executives alike to evaluate and understand the qualities of those who determine a company's culture and ultimate success.”──Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO & Cofounder, Blackstone

“It is a delight to read Ulrich's take on leadership. His deep thinking, insights, and analytical ideas have brought much-needed rigor to the practice and processes of leadership. With this book he has begun the crucial journey of more deeply understanding leadership as a vital organizational asset.”──Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice, London Business School, and author of The Key

“In today's digital world with sophisticated metrics, going with your gut on key talent acquisitions can be very hazardous. Ulrich has now introduced some needed rigor into evaluating organizational leadership.”──William Conaty, Advisory Partner, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, and coauthor of The Talent Masters

“This is a valuable and practical guide for investors to evaluate the leadership of companies before they invest. For those interested in the discipline of leadership, it is a comprehensive framework to look at leaders—their style and values—and evaluate how they perform. And this is also like version 1 of a useful manual for corporate leaders on how to run their businesses successfully.”──Dr. Tan Chin Nam, Chairman, Temasek Management Services, and senior corporate adviser

“Leadership was once something you had to have faith in. Dave Ulrich has introduced some science into the mix. It takes some of the guesswork out of figuring out what great leadership really is.”──Keith R. Read, Senior Managing Director, Cerberus Capital Management, LP, and Cerberus Business Finance, LLC

“Investors who study Ulrich's approach—and employ it—will give themselves an advantage in the ever-tougher challenge of performing in today's markets. The book provides a genuine edge in answering the question, How do we find the better companies? Answer: by finding the better leadership teams.”──Jim Ware, CFA, founder of the Focus Consulting Group and coauthor of High Performing Investment Teams