Try To Remember
Iris Gomez
Grand Central
May 2010
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Something is happening to Gabriela's father. One minute he is calm, the next his temper rages out of control. And now his increasingly erratic behavior has cost him another job, jeopardizing the family. While her father slips deeper into darkness, Gabi's mother slips deeper into denial. Gabi is left alone to help her father. If she can't, her family could lose everything-and risk being deported from the country they've worked so hard to make their home.

IRIS GOMEZ is the author of two poetry collections and recipient of a prestigious National Poetry Prize. A respected public interest attorney, she is a nationally-recognized expert on the rights of immigrants in the United States. Born in Cartagena, Colombia, she moved to the U.S. as a child and grew up in Miami, Florida. She and her family now make their home near Boston.


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