Rules of Deception
Christopher Reich
July 2008
● 內文簡介

大師級的懸疑驚悚小說家李查德(Lee Child)這幾個星期來不斷地公開讚賞和推薦:榮獲國際驚悚作家協會獎的小說家Christopher Reich的暢銷驚悚小說新作《Rules of Deception》。這本小說剛出版兩天,登上美國亞馬遜網路書店暢銷排行榜第8名、邦諾書店暢銷排行榜第6名,也是美國兩大龍頭網路書店的「七月選書」。同時,這本書應是今年度最多知名暢銷懸疑驚悚作者聯手推薦的作品。

Christopher Reich被喻為是新時代的驚悚小說家,擁有精湛文筆和鋪陳劇情張力的本事。他的這本最新小說之所以得到許多知名懸疑驚悚小說家前輩的大力讚揚,不是無由來的,因我門打開書的第一頁,就被他巧妙佈網的一個懸疑氛圍著實吸引住,繃著全身每條緊張的神經讀到最後一頁。

故事描述一位世界級的登山高手Dr. Jonathan Ransom,也是世界無國界醫生組織的外科醫生,與他的美麗妻子艾瑪攀越瑞士阿爾卑斯山脈時,遇上一場暴風雪。在躲避這場風暴時,艾瑪失足掉進一個隱密的山脈裂隙身故。而在24個小時後,他收到一個寄給艾瑪的信封,裡面裝有兩張行李認領票,著實令他滿腦子困惑,於是他隻身前往到存放行李的一個位在偏遠區的火車站,為了取回妻子生前的財產而陷入一場生死博鬥。一路上,他遭受到無數莫名的攻擊,心想救自己的方法只有一個:從領回的兩只行李箱的證據逐步揭開妻子生前致力保留、永遠不讓他知道的秘密……。在揭開一個又一個接近秘密真相的過程中,他卻一步又一步將自己推向一個陌生驚駭的世界──身處在這個世界的人永遠不會曝露自己的真實身份,所表現出來的名字和身份都是假的。


● 作者簡介

Christopher Reich is the New York Times bestselling author of Numbered Account and The Patriots Club, which won the International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel in 2006. He is currently at work on the second Jonathan Ransom novel, Rules of Vengeance. He lives in Southern California with his wife and children.


● 媒體報導

Christopher Reich is the New York Times bestselling author of Numbered Account and The Patriots Club, which won the International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel in 2006. He is currently at work on the second Jonathan Ransom novel, Rules of Vengeance. He lives in Southern California with his wife and children.

"Never has a plane ride gone by so quickly! RULES OF DECEPTION was such a thrilling and compelling read that I spent the whole flight anxiously turning the pages, breathless to find out how it ended. Full of stunning twists and turns, packed with suspense, this is everything a great thriller should be."

–-Tess Gerritsen

“RULES OF DECEPTION is pure suspense–an ingenious spy thriller for the new millennium.”
–-Linda Fairstein

"RULES OF DECEPTION is an intense, impossible-to-put down spy novel–like Robert Ludlum at his very best."
–-Vince Flynn

"Fast-paced and intriguing, RULES OF DECEPTION is a great international thriller full of twists and turns that kept me guessing to the very end. A very enjoyable read."
–-Kate Mosse, author of LABYRINTH

"Rules of Deception packs a wallop. Christopher Reich is at the top of his game."
–-David Baldacci

"There's a reason why Christopher Reich is a superstar writer. You'll find it on page one of this book. And page two. And page three…and all the way to the vivid end of this great new thriller."
–-Lee Child

“RULES OF DECEPTION is an ingenious thriller set credibly in the shadowy world of international espionage. This one has it all: well-drawn characters, wonderful writing, exotic settings, and a high-tech terrorist plot that will keep you breathlessly racing along right through its electrifying climax.”
–-Nelson DeMille

“RULES OF DECEPTION delivers pure suspense, intrigue, and adventure from its first page to its last. Christopher Reich is the master of the espionage thriller for the 21st century.”
–-Clive Cussler

“Christopher Reich is one of my favorite suspense writers and he’s outdone himself this time. From the ingenious opening, featuring a butterfly of all things, to the mind-blowing switcheroo ending, this is a book and a movie, all in one!”
–-James Patterson

"Once again, Chris Reich is firing on all cylinders. Rules of Deception is a supple, elegant thriller with a beguiling sophistication. Reich catches the reader on page one and utterly commands you to finish through a plot that carries triumphantly from one thrilling climax to another. He certainly knows how to manipulate the reader in exciting ways, and he's an expert (as his award winning The Patriots Club proved) in creating a riveting imagined world so real you wonder if it was actually imagined."
–-Steve Berry, author of The Alexandria Link