The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek: A Novel
Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal
Oct. 2019
● 內文簡介


1992年,北卡羅來納南部小鎮Bleak Creek,寧靜而樸實,鎮上有浸信會教堂、充滿有善微笑的夫妻帶著沉默批判的眼光,以及令人食肉不振的豬肉製品。然而,鎮上每位笑臉迎人的居民臉上,卻隱藏著陰霾——懷德伍德學校(Whitewood School)。




得知一切後,令雷克斯和萊夫坐立不安,他們急於想拯救艾麗西亞,並跟剛從紐約大學電影系的畢業生Janine Blitstein一起,開始調學校令人毛骨悚然的真相,以及神秘創辦人韋恩的身份。但是,他們完全不知道自己將對抗的是一個超乎想像的邪惡化身,而且將動遙整個鎮的核心。



● 作者簡介

Rhett McLaughlin和Link Neal,兩人成長於北卡羅來納,自小學一年級便成為好朋友。他們是網絡電視脫口秀【Good Mythical Morning】喜劇雙人組,同時主持獲獎播客【Ear Biscuits】,著有《紐約時報》暢銷書《Rhett & Link’s Book of Mythicality》。兩人創辦娛樂公司Mythical Entertainment。


● 媒體報導

“Most people don’t read books, let alone write them. That puts Rhett and Link in the top 1% of smart people in the world. Read this book.”──Rachel Bloom, co-creator of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

“It’s scary, it’s fun, and it’s one hell of a carnival ride.”──《科克斯書評》

“I cannot think of a more exciting novel to read—and share with my sons—than The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek! Thank you, Rhett and Link, for this gem about friendship, courage, and adventure, which is touched by your humor, wit, and intelligence with each twist and turn!”──Mayim Bialik, New York Times bestselling author of Boying Up

“I tore through all 324 pages of this book in one sitting—and I still didn't want it to end! I would have been willing to read as many as 325 pages, or possibly even 326. Though if I'm being totally honest, they probably could have stopped at 323. Either way, I loved this creative book.”──Jimmy Fallon, host of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

“Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal conjure up a heady brew of hilarity, friendship, and dark forces in the small-town South, where being the funny, smart kids might just end up as the fight of your life. Fans of John Green and Stranger Things take note.”──Gwenda Bond, New York Times bestselling author of Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds