Picture in the Sand
Peter Blauner
Minotaur Books
January 2023
● 內文簡介

★驚悚大師史蒂芬.金(Stephen King)盛情推薦:「我極少讀到一本書能讓我想起自己當初愛上說故事的原因,《沙中畫》就是其中之一。」

在這本時空背景橫跨了六十年與六千英哩的歷史懸疑小說《沙中畫》(Picture in the Sand)中,住在布魯克林、已是祖父的阿里.哈珊(Ali Hassan)──一位埃及裔美國人──揭露了激進主義與心碎的秘密過往,試圖阻止他那魯莽急躁、滿腔熱血的孫子犯下他一生當中的最大錯誤。

透過祖父寫給孫子的熱情信函,展開這趟穿越時空的旅程,將讀者從1950年代充滿傳奇魅力的電影──西席.布朗特.地密爾(Cecil B. DeMille)執導的《十誡》(The Ten Commandments)──帶往開羅的沙漠。阿里描述了他如何找到一份夢想中的工作,就是擔任地密爾的私人助理;接著,又如何發現自己捲入改變歷史進程的事件當中。




● 作者簡介

彼得.布勞納(Peter Blauner),曾榮獲愛倫坡獎(Edgar),且為數本《紐約時報》暢銷書作者,包括《慢動作騷亂》(Slow Motion Riot)、《入侵者》(The Intruder)、《演習場》(Proving Ground)、以及《日出公路》(Sunrise Highway);他還曾擔任CBS電視網節目《警網急先鋒》(Blue Bloods)的共同執行製作人。


● 媒體報導

“With the magic only the finest storytellers can summon, Peter Blauner has conjured a tale where epic reality—the making of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments—is woven into a story of adventure, suspense, mystery, love, sorrow, assassination plots, prison breaks, and deep appreciation for the movies. Ali Hassan is an unassuming hero who unspools his life story in an attempt to save his grandson from falling into a pit of fanatic extremism. You’ll meet real people and living history under Egypt’s baking sun as Ali careens from one danger to the next, a mid-century Thief of Baghdad who meets each setback with honest courage (and a sharp sense of humor). I found this impossible to put down. On rare occasions I read a book that reminds me of why I fell in love with storytelling in the first place. This is such a book, an authentic tour de force, the kind you lay aside to read again.”──Stephen King