Ennis Cehic
Vintage Australis
March 2022
304 pp
● 內文簡介

★莫欣.哈米德(Mohsin Hamid)、奧馬爾.穆薩(Omar bin Musa)等眾作家一致精采推薦




故事乘載了一群不甘於被商業化的文案寫手,集體發著一場詩人夢,卻又轉瞬幻滅的現實悲歌;一位厭倦開放式辦公空間的男子,用文具打造一座隔絕性堡壘的異想天開;以及作者Ennis Cehic對現實的發聲,引用世界超模坎達兒.珍娜(Kendall Jenner)在百事可樂廣告中的風波與全民撻伐,反轉出一場當事人心中的權力反擊。更多的故事,也許正在說著我們的自身經歷。



● 作者簡介

Ennis Cehic,波士尼亞作家。自2007年起,Cehic便任職於廣告業,是一名文案寫手、品牌策畫。他的作品主題聚焦於身份、創意、文化以及存在主義等等,散文、小說、回憶錄散見於各大文學期刊,作品如《The Age》、《Meanjin》、《Assemble Papers》等等。2014年起,他加入澳洲新興作家節(Emerging Writer’s Festival)以及澳洲富茨克雷藝文中心(Footscray Community of Arts Centre)所創辦的西部作者寫作計畫(West Writers Group Program),至今依然非常活躍於澳洲文壇。


● 媒體報導

‘Funny, smart, crazy, audacious, and above all humane, this book marks the deeply unusual arrival of a singular new talent.’ Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit West

‘Part-satire, part-lament for all that humanity has already lost to the digital netherworld, these are shimmering, bittersweet fables of the age of advertising and ego-curation in which we live. At their core, they're powered by an engine not of nihilism but of Ćehić's genuine, abiding curiosity about how any of us copes day to day, and propelled forwards by a burning question: can the artist ever overthrow the adman within each of us? Reading this book might open up a portal to the multiverse - as actually happens to one of the unforgettable characters - but I promise it will be worth it, even if you never find your way back home.’ Ceridwen Dovey, author of Only the Animals and Life After Truth

‘Sadvertising is a tonic, a work of thrilling, audacious verve and wit, capturing the absurdity of the hyperconnected world in which we live. Cehic’s intelligence and humour are singular, and his playful love for the possibilities of language is exhilarating. Often in reading his book I wanted to stand up and burst into spontaneous applause. And why not? Sadvertising deserves a standing ovation.’ Christos Tsiolkas, author of The Slap

‘George Saunders meets Bohumil Hrabl meets Ben Marcus meets your creative account manager. Pointed and wry, Sadvertising layers the mundane with the frankly, brazenly bizarre, and in doing so makes strange, and particular, the deadening spaces in which they so often meet: the office, the screen, the motivational poster. Ennis Ćehić does it all with a gentle kind of knowing. I loved this collection.’ Ellena Savage, author of Blueberries

‘An unsettling, bad-arse book with a big heart. Clever, cool, funny and very, very strange. Ennis Ćehić is a remarkable writer with a bright future.’ Omar Musa, author of Here Come the Dogs