Mit der Faust in die Welt schlagen
Lukas Rietzschel
Ullstein Hardcover
Sept. 2018
● 內文簡介


Punching the World

The two brothers, Philipp and Tobias, grow up together in the rural parts of East Germany. For their families and their neighbors the enthusiasm and hope of instant prosperity that seized the country after the fall of the wall never became reality. Quite the opposite, they find themselves without social and ideological structure, spat out into a new world they don’t understand. Both brothers look for freedom and respite outside of their home. They do things all boys their age do. Everything rather harmless, until the day they see a swastika drawn on the school campus. And not far, a group of older boys cheering and cajoling. Philip is fascinated and drawn to their toughness and camaraderie. He enjoys the evenings drinking and dreaming of a better future – a future for a stronger Germany…

2015, when both bothers are about to graduate from school, hundreds of thousands of refugees arrive all over Germany. Not everywhere the atmosphere is very welcoming. While Philipp has largely cut ties with his right-wing friends as well as with his family, it is Tobias who is swept away by the anti- refugee sentiments. What starts with protests, quickly escalates and culminates in a fatal night and their old school building going up in flames. And there is no going back.

With Punching the World with the Fist Lukas Rietzschel captures what is happening right now. Right now in Germany and in many other European countries. He puts his finger where it hurts. At the heart of the families, the intricate and contradicting life stories that o en inevitably result in tragic events.


● 作者簡介

Lukas Rietzschel was in Räckelwitz, East Saxony. He lives in Görlitz where he runs the Literaturhaus amongst other things. His rst texts were published in Zeit Magazin. In 2016 he was awarded the Retzhof Prize for Young Literature. This is his first novel.


● 媒體報導