Der Spielmann
List Hardcover
Sept. 2018
● 內文簡介


1486: Knittlingen is a peaceful town in Kraichgau. Until the day that the travelling entertainers arrive – and children suddenly start disappearing.

Johann Georg, called ‘Faustus’, the lucky one, by his mother, isn’t concerned. He’s just interested in the bright costumes, the bagpipes and the stunts. In particular, the astrologer and magician Tonio del Moravia impresses him; he becomes strangely fascinated by the pale man with the piercing black eyes. Johann tags onto him and together they travel through Germany.

The young ‘Faustus’ absorbs everything that Tonio teaches him, but he senses that Tonio has a terrible secret. He runs away from him, travelling to Italy with a troupe of entertainers. But it’s too late, no matter where he goes, he can’t escape Tonio...


● 作者簡介

Oliver Pötzsch spent many years writing scripts for the Bayerischer Rundfunk and currently works as an
author in Munich. His historical novels about the Schongau executioner Jakob Kuisl have brought him fame far beyond Germany’s borders. His novels have been translated in over 20 languages.


● 媒體報導