The Wake Up
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Lake Union
December 2017
● 內文簡介

From New York Times bestselling author Catherine Ryan Hyde comes a hauntingly emotional novel of how one man’s life changes forever when he rediscovers his ability to feel the pain of others.
Something has been asleep in forty-year-old cattle rancher Aiden Delacorte for a long time. It all comes back in a rush during a hunting trip, when he’s suddenly attuned to the animals around him, feeling their pain and fear as if it were his own. But the newfound sensitivity of Aiden’s “wake up” has its price. He can no longer sleepwalk through life, holding everyone at arm’s length. As he struggles to cope with a trait he’s buried since childhood, Aiden falls in love with Gwen, a single mother whose young son bears a burden of his own.
Sullen and broken from his experiences with an abusive father, Milo has turned to acting out in violent and rebellious ways. Aiden can feel the boy’s pain, as well as that of his victims. Now he and Milo must sift through their pasts to find empathy with the innocent as well as the guilty, to come to terms with their deepest fears, and to finally discover the compassionate heart of a family.


● 作者簡介

凱瑟琳‧瑞恩‧海德(Catherine Ryan Hyde)美國著名作家,她的代表作《讓愛傳出去》不僅被譯成多國語言,在30多個國家成為暢銷書,全球累計銷量破千萬冊,更被華納兄弟影業改編成電影。至今出版超過32部作品,其中多部小說被改編成電影,並獲得包括「歐‧亨利獎」、「小推車文學獎」以及「托拜西‧沃爾夫美國最佳小說獎」…等多個獎項的肯定。她不僅是一位作家、演講者,更是「把愛傳出去基金會」的創辦人兼董事。並曾在美國白宮與前總統柯林頓同台。


● 媒體報導