Going Under
Kathe Koja
Farrar Straus Giroux
5 Sep 2006
● 內文簡介

Because all my life had been a chrysalis, with you, Ado and Marshall and our house; even though we did other things and saw other people, the summers at the lake, and all those homeschoolers' parties, it was still always just-us.

Ivan and Hilly.

Brother and sister.

Pilot and copilot.

Their parents, Ada and Marshall, keep reminding them that experience makes all the difference in the world. But how do you cope with the suicide of a close friend?

And how can you navigate the darkness of deception and betrayal, even to save the person you most care about? All Hilly has left is her writing. All Ivan has left is him-self… and Hilly.

Through the voices of Hilly and Ivan, Kathe Koja explores souls of two teenagers caught in a world where love takes you deeper than you ever dreamed you'd go.


● 作者簡介

Kathe Koja is the author of sever-al notable books for young adults, include-ing Talk and The Blue mirror. She lives in the Detroit area with her husband.


● 媒體報導