Fangs 4 Freaks
Serena Robar
Berkley Publishing Group
7 Nov 2006
● 內文簡介

Half-vampire and full-on fashionista, Colby Blanchard knows there's nothing like a blood sister…

Psi Phi is just like any sorority on Campus-except for the part about us being half-blood vampires. I've emancipated my fellow half-bloods and laid the smackdown for some way-needed new laws. Things should be great. Right? Er, wrong! For starters, the Vampire Tribunal is dumping the newest pledges on my lawn…bound and gagged. And Thomas. My hunky Vampire Investigator boyfriend. Is a little too much of a gentleman. Hello?! Is my butt too big or a gentleman. Hello?! Is my butt too big or something?


● 作者簡介

Serena Robar spent her school days addicted to reading romances of all kinds. She would tuck a romance in her open science book and pretend to be following along with class when she was really lost in a fantasy world of happily ever after. Though her knowledge of mitochondria is woefully limited. She can boast a vast array of trivia about the pirate trade of the sixteenth century. American pioneer life. And Regency etiquette of the Ton.

Serena lives in the pacific Northwest and is frantically writing the next book in her teen vampire series. It is frantically writing the next book in her teen vampire series. It is Serena's hope that her work will find its way inside science textbooks. Sparking the imagination and talent of the next generation of writers. Her apologies to science teachers everywhere. Please visit her website at www.serenarobar.com .


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