Fall of Knight
Peter David
Ace Books
6 Jun 2006
● 內文簡介

In Knight, Life, King Arthur ran for office and was elected mayor of New York City , In One Knight Only, Arthur campaigned across the land and was voted President of the United States . Now, in Fall of Knight, Arthur is forced to take a powerful position he never sought-head of his very own churcb…

When former first lady Gwen Devere Queen Penn is discovered to be hale and hearty-after falling victim to a successful (and very public) assassina-tion – the jig is finally up. Arthur Penn, aka King Arthur, reveals his true identity, and the existence of the Holy Grail, to the world.

Next thing be Knows, he's being worshiped as a divine being by a religious cult known as the Arthurians. Eluding these zealots is hard enough. But the Once and Future King finds it even more difficult to turn away from the sick and dying who desperately entreat him to heal them with the power of the Grail.

Not up to the enormity of the task, Arthur accepts an offer an entrepreneur with a new approach to health care: Siphon water through the Grail, bottle it, and sell it a curative. Flooding the market, Grail Ale becomes the hottest-selling commodity in the history of humanity. Unfortunately, it's also tainting the very purpose of the holy cup's existence-and Arthur may soon dis-cover exactly how the road to Hell is paved with good intentions…


● 作者簡介

Peter David is a prolific author whose career and continued popularity span nearly two decades. He has worked in every conceivable media: television, film, books (fiction, nonfiction, and audio), short stories, and comic books, and acquired followings in all of them. He is the New York Times bestselling author of more than forty novels, including several Star Trek books. His comic book resume includes an award-winning, twelve run on The Incredible Hulk. Peter has also written several scripts for Babylon 5 and the sequel series, Crusade. He lives in New York with his wife, Kathleen, and his children Shana, Gwen, Ariel, and Caroline.


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