All That Man Is
David Szalay
Jonathan Cape
April 2016
● 內文簡介

★2016年《衛報》年度小說選書;《美的線條》《陌生人的孩子》作者Alan Hollinghurst年度選書
★2016年普林頓小說獎(The Plimpton Prize for Fiction)得主
★2016年戈登伯恩文學獎(Gordon Burn Prize)得主
★作者David Szalay於2013年榮登權威文學雜誌《Granta》每十年公布一次的「20位最佳英國青年小說家」名單

《男人啊》(All That Man Is)描述九位分處不同生命階段的男人,每一位都離家在外,在布拉格城郊,在比利時的高速公路旁,在過度開發的阿爾卑斯山村落,在塞普勒斯的廉價旅館,每一位都在迷惘、困頓中試著理解此時此刻活著的意義。全書看似九個短篇,經由作者的寫實銳筆交織成一幅大膽深刻的當代生活圖像。




● 作者簡介

David Szalay is the author of three previous novels: Spring, The Innocent and London and the South-East, for which he was awarded the Betty Trask and Geoffrey Faber Memorial prizes. Raised in London, he has lived in Canada and Belgium, and is now based in Budapest. In 2013 he was named as one of Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists.


● 媒體報導

“Without exception, the stories─subtle, seductive, poignant, humorous─bear witness to the alienation, self-doubt, and fragmentation of contemporary life; each succeeds on its own while complementing the others. Szalay’s riveting prose and his consummate command of structure illuminate the individual while exploring society’s unsettling complexity. In 2013, Szalay was named as one of Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists. This effort exceeds even that lofty expectation.”─Publishers Weekly, starred review

“A tightly woven, precisely observed novel in stories. . . . The book's conceit is imaginative, its architecture impressive. . . . Szalay writes with subtlety and pathos about these flawed and floundering figures. . . . A grim but compelling composite portrait by a talented writer.”─Kirkus Reviews

“[David Szalay] is capable of conjuring tenderness from any situation. . . . [Readers] will find a great deal to enjoy in these pages, and further evidence that Szalay. . . is one of the best fortysomething writers we have.”─The Guardian (UK)

“Cleverly conceived, authoritative, timely and (in a good way) crushing. . . . There is a cheerful and ghastly sordidness to everything, and Szalay’s prose with its ruthlessly banal dialogue, arm-twisting present tense, shard-like fragments, and every other page or so an irresistibly brilliant epithet or startlingly quotable phrase, lets nothing go to waste.”─London Review of Books (UK)

“Nobody captures the super-sadness of modern Europe as well as Szalay. . . . The predicaments of the various tormented men come together to produce a rich exploration of male vulnerability. . . . With All That Man Is, [Szalay] emerges as a writer with a voice unlike any other.”─The Spectator (UK)

“Original, piercingly acute and disturbingly, viscerally elegiac.”─William Boyd