The Mulberry Bush
Charles McCarry
Mysterious Press
Oct. 2015
● 內文簡介


查爾斯.麥卡瑞(Charles McCarry)被譽為美國最優秀的諜報小說大師,作品銷售超過百萬冊,《華爾街日報》盛讚其小說為「當代最傑出」,暢銷小說家李查德、Nelson DeMille對他評價甚至更甚勒卡雷!麥可瑞的上一本書《The Shanghai Factor》入圍2014年巴瑞獎最佳驚悚小說決選,獲選《衛報》年度好書榜,榮獲《致命快感》(Deadly Pleasures)雜誌年度最佳驚悚小說。

他在最新力作《The Mulberry Bush》裡描繪了一位一如哈姆雷特的主角,燃燒著父親沉冤未雪的憤怒,雙重間諜的身分使他在政治理想與個人復仇間擺盪與衝撞,在暴烈的背叛中走向教人屏息慨嘆的終局。



《The Mulberry Bush》情節懸疑,情感氛圍濃烈而魅惑,探討當復仇成為最強烈政治動機的可能後果。


● 作者簡介

Charles McCarry worked under deep cover as a CIA operations officer in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He is the author of thirteen critically acclaimed novels, including The Shanghai Factor and the classic spy thriller The Tears of Autumn, as well as numerous works of nonfiction.


● 媒體報導

“[An] exceptional spy novel . . . McCarry spins his riveting story in unexpected ways; the writing is always subdued but brilliant, leading unsuspecting readers to collide straight into the unforgiving wall of a stunning ending.”——出版人周刊,星級書評

“Like Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet, the protagonist in this new novel from McCarry is a young man set on avenging the grievous wrong done to his deceased father . . . Just as Hamlet ends with an intricately choreographed scene of violent death, this novel concludes in a crescendo of lethal treachery, but not before McCarry, who has mined the rich vein of spycraft for decades, dazzles us with smart dialog, fascinating characters, and local exotica of wonderful variety and authenticity.”——圖書館期刊

“Classic noir themes of trust, motive, and tarnished ideals spin through this mordant, cerebral thriller about an agent on a two-tiered mission. Veteran thriller author and former CIA op McCarry opens this latest with a cracking good setup.”——科克斯評論

Praise for Charles McCarry:

"Charles McCarry is perhaps the best ever."—Lee Child, bestselling author of the Jack Reacher series, on The Shanghai Factor

"Recognized as a spy novelist of uncommon gifts."—Washington Post, on The Old Boys