Bitter Eden
Tatamkhulu Afrika
UK: 2002; US: Jan. 2014
● 內文簡介

★《獨立報》2002年度好書、NPR 2014年度好書
★《享受吧!一個人的旅行》作者伊莉莎白.吉兒伯特、《以你的名字呼喚我》(Call Me By Your Name)作者安德烈.艾席蒙(Andre Aciman)盛情推薦!
★電影版權已授權Helena Spring Films


《苦澀伊甸園》(Bitter Eden)是南非詩人作家Tatamkhulu Afrika以二次大戰戰俘營為背景的半自傳小說。小說裡三名自認為異性戀的男人,在全男性的戰俘營裡,在生存的逼迫與殘暴中,奇異而無比深刻的羈絆。它不只是二戰文學,不只是同志文學,說到底,這是一個直觀人性,探問何謂為人的愛情故事。




2014年催生美版的Picador編輯Stephen Morrison,與這本書又是另一段長達十年的淵源。早在英國出版前,他就讀過書稿且被深深觸動。然而小說中對男性同性情欲的大膽著墨,與美國仍顯保守的社會風氣,令他最終忍痛回覆了一封誠懇的拒絕信。當經紀人傳來Afrika的死訊時,Morrison震驚不已,唯一可感寬慰的是,據說作者生前讀了那封拒絕信非但沒有惱火,反而被他的熱情打動。於是這本書隨著Morrison換工作、搬家,幾經遷徙,十年後在書箱重逢,這次,他確信出版的時機已經成熟,終於完成懸宕多年的宿願。




● 作者簡介

Tatamkhulu Afrika is a celebrated South African writer who died in 2002 at the age of 82. Born in Egypt of an Arab father and Turkish mother, but brought up by a white South African family, he led a colourful life (including imprisonment for his anti-apartheid activism) and only began writing in earnest in his seventies. Bitter Eden won the Olive Schreiner Prize for new or emergent talent. He is the author of 8 volumes of poetry and an autobiography.

More on Tatamkhulu and his extraordinary life here:




● 媒體報導

‘A nuanced psychological portrait of the bonds—platonic and sexual—men create for survival…. What begins as an unforgettable account of prisoners of war ends as something surprising: a love story.’——科克斯評論,星級書評

‘‘Such a powerful, melodic, urgent and honest story of suffering, love and survival I have never quite encountered before. This is a jewel of a tale — a vital and raw piece of the true human experience — and it needs to never be forgotten. I am honored to have read it, and will pass it along to many others.’——伊莉莎白.吉兒伯特,《享受吧!一個人的旅行》作者

‘BITTER EDEN’s love is neither kind nor tame nor ever adorned. The word love is never mentioned, because love—if this is really the name for it—is so spare and brutal and bare-knuckled that the characters themselves aren’t even aware of it. But this book will haunt you, and stay with you, and won’t ever let go, just like the memory of a love that never happened but should have happened continues to exact its toll of misfired hopes and regrets. But the language is not spare and the poetry here, like shards of a broken bottle, is simply everywhere.’——安德烈.艾席蒙(Andre Aciman),《以你的名字呼喚我》(Call Me By Your Name)作者