‘「一部成就非凡的小說,融合強而有力的敘事與深思熟慮的詩意語言,在今日實為罕見。閱讀本書時,我聯想到傑克倫敦(Jack London)筆下充滿戲劇張力的自然風景,與威廉高汀(William Golding)桀驁不馴的狂野大海。作者野心十足的寫作足以與兩位名家媲美。」-- John Boyne,《穿條紋衣的男孩》作者
"James draws on the real-life search for John Franklin’s lost Arctic expedition to explore the perils of life at sea, the rugged beauty of the Northwest Passage, and the transformative power of fatherhood——James’s sharp prose and attention to detail… leaves a lasting impression of this momentous journey."--《出版人周刊》
‘The great topic of Cormac James’ THE SURFACING is the reach of human possibility. The prose is calm, vivid, hypnotic and acutely piercing……It’s a remarkable achievement, a stylish novel, full of music and quiet control. This is a writer that I’d like to see hurry - I’m looking forward already to the next book.’--Colum McCann,《讓美好世界轉動》作者