Lily King
Atlantic Monthly Press
June 2014
● 內文簡介



新英格蘭書商協會圖書獎得主Lily King繳出最成熟代表作,這部優美的文學小說描寫三位才華洋溢、顛覆傳統的人類學家,在熾烈的愛情困局中面臨友情、職涯,甚至生命的考驗……

一個以傳奇人類學家瑪格麗特‧米德(Margaret Mead)跌宕的人生故事為靈感,熱情動人的故事!





《樂園》(Euphoria)的背景設定在兩次世界大戰之間,部份以傳奇人類學家瑪格麗特‧米德(Margaret Mead)跌宕的人生故事為藍本,敘述三名才華洋溢、顛覆傳統的人類學家,在熾烈的愛情難題中面臨友情、職涯,甚至生命的考驗,是一個關於熱情、佔有、探索與犧牲的故事。


● 作者簡介

莉莉‧金(Lily King),曾獲懷丁作家獎、卡佛文學獎(Raymond Carver Prize),創作靈巧機敏、思路清晰,往往讓讀者翻開書頁後就完全投入其中。第一部小說《幸福時光》(The Pleasing Hour)獲選《紐約時報》年度注目好書及邦諾書店發現新人獎。第二部小說《英語教師》(The English Teacher)獲選《芝加哥論壇報》年度最佳圖書、《出版人周刊》年度十大小說、緬因文學獎。第三部小說《Father of the Rain》是《紐約時報》編輯選書、《出版人周刊》年度最佳小說、新英格蘭書商協會獎(New England Book Award)最佳小說得主。現居美國緬因州。


● 媒體報導

"Atmospheric...A small gem, disturbing and haunting."——Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Inspired by an event in the life of Margaret Mead, this novel tells the story of three young anthropologists in 1930s New Guinea...This three-way relationship is complex and involving, but even more fascinating is the depiction of three anthropologists with three entirely diverse ways of studying another culture...These differences, along with professional jealousy and sexual tension, propel the story toward its inevitable conclusion...Recommended for fans of novels about exploration as myth and about cultural clashes, from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness to Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart."——Library Journal (starred review)

"The love lives and expeditions of controversial anthropologists Margaret Mead, Reo Fortune, and Gregory Bateson are fictionalized and richly reimagined in New England Book Award winner King’s (Father of the Rain) meaty and entrancing fourth book...King’s immersive prose takes center stage. The fascinating descriptions of tribal customs and rituals, paired with snippets of Nell’s journals—as well as the characters’ insatiable appetites for scientific discovery—all contribute to a thrilling read that, at its end, does indeed feel like 'the briefest, purest euphoria.'"——Publishers Weekly(starred review)

“Set between the First and Second World Wars, the story is loosely based on events in the life of Margaret Mead. There are fascinating looks into other cultures and how they are studied, and the sacrifices and dangers that go along with it. This is a powerful story, at once gritty, sensuous, and captivating.”——Booklist