文學小說 (驚悚奇幻)
Motherless Child
Glen Hirshberg
Tor Books
May 2014
● 內文簡介







血腥而撩人,歡騰而哀傷,《Motherless Child》是一部關於尋找回家之路的公路小說,只是家園已不復存在。這也是向使人敞開靈魂的音樂獻上的謳歌,一趟朝向心碎駛去的喧囂飛馳,這也許是你從未讀過的吸血鬼小說,因為它是如此深具人性。



● 作者簡介

Glen Hirshberg,哥倫比亞大學畢業,大學期間贏得Bennett Cerf最佳小說獎。其後於蒙大拿大學取得文學與藝術碩士學位。小說首作《The Snowman’s Children》便入選文學公會選書(Literary Guild Featured Selection)。短篇故事集《The Two Sams》榮獲兩項國際恐怖小說公會獎,並入選《出版人週刊》年度最佳圖書。他是雪麗傑克森獎(Shirley Jackson Award)得主,曾入圍世界奇幻文學獎(World Fantasy Award)與史托克恐怖文學獎(Bram Stoker Award)決選名單。現居洛杉磯,在高中教授英文與寫作。


● 媒體報導

“Weaves love, desire, revenge, loyalty, and sacrifice into a blockbuster narrative. Hirshberg’s adept characterization engages the reader’s sympathies for Natalie and Sophie as they fight the pangs of vampiric hunger and yearn for their absent children....The clash of human and vampire worlds in the tumultuous final showdown presents a satisfying, startling conclusion and infuses this work with both literary and genre merit.”——出版人週刊,星級書評

“Always one of his generation’s finest stylists, its most able students of character, [Hirshberg] has written one of the best books of the year.”——洛杉磯書評(The Los Angeles Review of Books)

“A signature exploration of the emotionally devastating horrors that can arise out of the most intimate interpersonal relationships.”——軌跡雜誌(Locus)

“Even if you've sworn to yourself never to read vampire fiction again, do yourself the favor of reading Motherless Child. Hirshberg has crafted a compelling, heartbreaking thriller full of character, grit, and sorrow. Bravo.”——Christopher Golden

'Like an alchemist loose in a meth lab, Hirshberg produces rocket-fuelled gold in his magnificent MOTHERLESS CHILD; a sui generis mash-up of literary sensibility and B-movie energy, a shotgun wedding of the melancholy and the menacing, the meditative and the monstrous.' ——Peter Atkins

“This is a deep novel, a novel that makes you think, but at the same time, it’s a fun novel…that makes you feel. For fans of Hirshberg, this is one more masterpiece to add to your collection; for everyone else, this is an introduction to a horror writer who is one of the best working today and possibly one of the best ever.”——Nameless