What Ends
Andrew Ladd
New Issues Poetry & Prose
Jan 2014
● 內文簡介

★2012年作家與寫作協會小說獎(AWP Award for the Novel)得主!
★《天使學》(Angelopolis)作者丹妮莉‧楚索尼(Danielle Trussoni)盛情推薦

在地圖上,組成赫布里底群島的上百座島嶼,看來像是在蘇格蘭西岸外海潑了一抹顏料;在現實裡,它們寂靜的海岸、空蕩的村落,悲哀地見證了近年來數十個凋零滅絕的社群。1980年,艾林菲爾島(Eilean Fìor)上的麥克勞德家迎來了第三個也是最後一個孩子崔弗。崔弗降生之際,島上的生活已是慘澹非常,曾達數百的人口,現在僅在三十人左右徘徊。麥克勞德夫婦執拗地維持著家族旅社,但已幾乎沒有利潤,鼠疫流行更是雪上加霜,眼看就要撲熄島上的最後一線生機。

《What Ends》以此為背景,透過多道互為交織扣連的敘事,述說麥克勞德家每一個人從崔弗出生之時到現在越漸脆弱的生命之路。崔弗的哥哥貝瑞被送到英國本島的寄宿學校就讀,青少年騷動的慾望與離家生活的不適應令他備受煎熬,同時也面臨在原本家庭的價值觀與不良少年的放蕩生活之間做出抉擇。崔弗的姊姊芙蘿拉在藝術家夢想與對雙親的責任尋找平衡;母親莫琳決定在一輩子錯失機會的遺憾中,抓住最後一塊幸福的殘片。而崔弗自己,無能為力地,與父親喬治一同目睹他們摯愛的家園一點一點地崩頹。

《What Ends》是一部向已逝生存方式致意的輓歌,文字流露出的澄澈透明,與喬治沉迷的填字遊戲提示一樣不可輕信。寫作協會小說獎評審深刻地指出,小說真正的主題毋寧說是「時間」。小島不只是一個地方,更是那既熟悉又陌生、環繞封閉的時間,而麥克勞德一家的故事映照著生存在時間裡的意義,那在浩瀚海面投入石子時揭起的短短一瞬震盪。


● 作者簡介

Andrew Ladd,文學雜誌《Ploughshares》網路編輯。個人作品刊載於《Apalachee Review》、《CICADA》、《Memoir Journal》、《The Rumpus》等刊物。成長於英國愛丁堡,曾在波士頓、蒙特婁、倫敦生活,現與家人居住在紐約布魯克林。


● 媒體報導

"Andrew Ladd writes with the care of a poet and the maturity of a seasoned novelist. What Ends is a tribute to a struggling way of life, and an arresting challenge to those who would call that struggle progress. A wonderful book."──丹妮莉‧楚索尼(Danielle Trussoni),《天使學》(Angelopolis)作者

"What a lovely writer Andrew Ladd is and what a compelling story he has written about the five members of the McCloud family and their island home. Each of the McClouds is rendered with a vivid complexity and it is that vividness which makes What Ends so truly suspenseful and so deeply satisfying. And surely every reader will want to visit Eilean Fior; happily we can in these beautiful pages. A sparkling and eloquent debut." ──Margot Livesey,紐約時報暢銷書《The Flight of Gemma Hardy》作者

"What Ends is an exquisitely conjured eulogy for a vanishing way of life. Andrew Ladd's wise and vital voice is descended from Flaubert by way of William Trevor. His sentences mesmerize, beckon as if from another time. This is no debut but a masterwork, an absorbing micro-saga whose completion we mourn. What Ends reminds us of all a novel can be."──Claire Vaye Watkins, author of Battleborn