文學小說 (科幻)
2312: A Novel
Kim Stanley Robinson
May 2012
● 內文簡介


★入圍雨果獎(得主待公布)、克拉克獎(Arthur C. Clarke Award)、英國科幻小說獎(British Science Fiction Award)、軌跡科幻小說獎(Locus Best Science Fiction Novel of 2012)、坎貝爾紀念獎(John C. Campbell Memorial Award)



科幻名家羅賓遜(Kim Stanley Robinson)繼橫掃星雲獎、雨果獎的「火星三部曲」系列(《紅火星》、《綠火星》、《藍火星》)後,再度強勢問鼎雙獎鉅作,被譽為迄今為止的巔峰作!








● 作者簡介

金.史丹利.羅賓遜(Kim Stanley Robinson),紐約暢銷作家,雨果獎、星雲獎、軌跡獎得主。有超過二十本著作,包括暢銷的「火星三部曲」,備受讚譽的《Forty Signs of Rain》、《Fifty Degrees Below》、《Sixty Days and Counting》系列作,《The Years of Rice and Salt》、《Antarctica》、《Galileo》等。2008年獲《時代》雜誌選為「環境英雄」(Hero of the Environment),近來加入Sequoia Parks Foundation的藝術家計畫Artists in the Back Country。現居加州。


● 媒體報導

“The wonderfully inventive 2312 is, in this way, Robinson’s most aesthetically reverent work to date. Science, engineering, history, politics, philosophy, parenting, love—in this novel all are reimagined as essentially artistic practices, as the sorts of ecstatic creative pursuits people might devote themselves to once liberated from the drudgery capitalism inflicts on us.”——洛杉磯書評

"Robinson's extraordinary completeness of vision results in a magnificently realized, meticulously detailed future in which social and biological changes keep pace with technological developments."——出版人週刊

"Intellectually engaged and intensely humane in a way SF rarely is, exuberantly speculative in a way only the best SF can be, this is the work of a writer at or approaching the top of his game."——伊恩﹛班克斯(Iain M. Banks),《捕蜂器》作者

"Inherently epic stuff... expect interplanetary strife, conspiracies, more big ideas than most SF authors pack into a trilogy... [yet] this is ultimately in so many respects a book about Earth... a wise and wondrous novel"——SFX

"A brilliant, plausible account of how humans might colonize planets, moons and asteroids, 2312 is also about the future of art and family."——NPR Books

"In his vibrant, often moving new novel, "2312," Robinson's extrapolation is hard-wired to a truly affecting personal love story. [...] Perhaps Robinson's finest novel, "2312" is a treasured gift to fans of passionate storytelling; readers will be with Swan and Wahram in the tunnel long after reaching the last page."——洛杉磯時報

"This is a grand tour of an intensely imagined interplanetary future of modified human beings, terraformed planets, experiments in economics and sociology and hundreds of other delights. All of it is in Robinson's eloquent, enthusiastic and inimitable prose"——Morning Star (UK)