Blessed Are the Cheesemakers
Sarah-Kate Lynch
Warner Books
Jun 2003
● 內文簡介

Peopled by the most singular and enchanting characters one is ever likely to meet, this cap-tivating novel transports us a place where love lurks in unexpected places and life holds the most delectable surprises…..

Joseph Corrigan and Joseph Feehan, better Known as Corrie and Fee, make the finest cheese in the entire civilized world. But Corrie still pines for his long-lost granddaughter, Abbey, whisked away from the family farm as a child by her gallivanting mother.

As it happens, Abbey, now twenty-nine and trying to cook a chicken in a primitive hut on a remote South Seas island, is soon to leave her irrigation-obsessed husband after discov-ering that he has gone biblical with several of the natives.

Meanwhile, a continent away, Kit Stephens is struggling with the loss of his wife and his career as a high-flying Wall Street broker. What this lonely, hungover, and burned-out New Yorker needs is a miracle-fast. Where better to find one than in a distant corner of Ireland , on a dairy farm run by the unlikeliest pair ever to preside over a vat of unpasteurized curd?

As Abbey and Kit converge on Coolar-ney House in County Cork , they discover a marvelous kingdom where something won-derful is always fermenting ….. where pregnant,vegetarian dairymaids milk cows to “The Sound of Music” …..and where a cat named Jesus real-izes she just isn't cut out for motherhood. While Corrie and Fee Zealously guard the secret of the renowned farmhouse cheese and shelter an odd collection of whisky- soaked men and broken-hearted women, a tantalizing mystery surfaces from the aromatic depths of the factory. Soon Abbey and Kit will find out whether they have what it to become master cheesemakers. And something more. For in this magical place where wounds miraculously heal, falling in love is what makes us come truly alive.

A book to delight your heart, tasted buds, and funny bone, BLESSED ARE THE CHEESEMAKERS is an irresistible tale about taking life's spilled milk and turning it into the best cheese in the world.


● 作者簡介

SARAH-KATE LYNCH has been a journalist for nearly twenty years. She lives with her husband in a lakeside town in New Zealand 's South Island . She loves cheese.


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