Blue Plate Special: A Novel of Love, Loss, and Food
Frances Norris
St. Martin 's Press
13 Jan 2005
● 內文簡介

THIRTY-THREE-YEAR-OLD JULIA Daniel doesn't really feel at home any-where. Her life in L.A. is lonely, and her career as a food stylist for a struggling gourmet magazine falls well short of her desire to be a photographer. Although she liked growing up in Kentucky , ever since her mother's death and her father's remarriage, her birthplace hasn't felt like the right fit either.

After the tragic deaths of her father and step-mother in a plane crash, Julia's true odyssey begins. Orphaned and adrift, she to find her way in the world while fending off a crazy boss, a pilfering stepsister, and a looming depression.

Though Julia is shored up by two good friends and an excellent psychologist who helps her work through her grief, it is an unexpected-and comically disastrous-trip to Sedona for the maga-zine that finally enables her to move forward. Returning to L.A. , she searches for the strength to strike out on her own, take a chance on love, and seek a tentative peace with her wayward stepsister.

Both humorous and heartbreaking, Blue Plate Special serves up an uplifting exploration of the courage it takes to embrace life after loss.


● 作者簡介

Frances Norris is a teacher and writer whose work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly and other magazines. She was raised in Kentucky and currently lives in Los Angeles , where she teaches English and creative writing at the Harvard-Westlake School.


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