Barbed Wire and Roses
Yeldham Peter
2 July 2007
● 內文簡介

It was exciting to be on our way at last…but we were such innocents. We had no of the hell that lay ahead. Euen if we had known, could what could we haue done about it?

They were our golden youth, seeking adventure on foreign battlefields. The First world War, everyone said in 1914, would be over by Christmas, and Stephen Conway rushes to enlist in the belief he should fight for King and Empire. Leaving behind a new wife and a baby on the way, he soon finds himself in the trenches of Gallipoli. Four horrific years later, Stephen is the only survivor of his platoon, shell-shocked and disillusioned, and during the heat of of battle on the bloodstained fields of France , he mysteriously disappears.

Stephen's ultimate fate is still a mystery when more than eighty years later his grandson Patrick finds a diary that leads him to Britain and France on a journey to discover what really happened. It is a journey during which he unexpectedly finds love, and the truth about his grandfather's fate is even stranger and more shocking than he imagined.


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