The Hanging Tree: A Starvation Lake Mystery
Bryan Gruley
August 2010
● 內文簡介

榮獲普立茲新聞報導獎的優秀記者暨撰稿人Bryan Gruley決定走創作之路後,他就已經規劃一部三部曲故事。第一部神秘謀殺小說《饑餓之湖》(Starvation Lake)不僅風光入圍多項推理獎項,更躋身2009年暢銷小說之林;第二部《絞刑之樹》(The Hanging Tree)出版後,贏得導演約翰‧格雷(John Gray)的賞識,已買下本小說的電影版權,預計2012年搬上大銀幕。

WHEN GRACIE McBRIDE, the wild girl who had left town eighteen years earlier, is found dead in an apparent suicide shortly after her homecoming, it sends shock waves through her native Starvation Lake. Gus Carpenter, executive editor of the Pine County Pilot, sets out to solve the mystery with the help of his old flame and now girlfriend, Pine County sheriff deputy Darlene Esper. As Gus and Darlene investigate, they can’t help but question if Gracie’s troubled life really ended in suicide or if the suspicious crime-scene evidence adds up to murder.

But in such a small town it’s impossible to be an impartial investigator—Gracie was Gus’s second cousin; Darlene’s best friend; and the lover of Gus’s oldest pal, Soupy Campbell. Yet with all the bad blood between Gus and Gracie over the years, Gus is easily distracted by other problems. His employer is trying to push him out, the locals are annoyed that his stories have halted construction on a new hockey rink, and Darlene’s estranged husband has returned to reclaim his wife.

When Gus tries to retrace Gracie’s steps to discover what happened to her in the eighteen years she was away from Starvation Lake, he’s forced to return to Detroit, the scene of his humiliating past. And though he’s determined to find out what drove Gracie back home, Gus is unprepared for the terrible secrets he uncovers.

The second book in Bryan Gruley’s irresistible Starvation Lake series, The Hanging Tree is a compelling story about family and friendship, sex and violence, and the failure of love to make everything right.


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