Deliverance from Evil
Frances Hill
June 2011
● 內文簡介

歷史學家Frances Hill針對她長年對於那樁發生在1692年薩林女巫審判案(Salem Witch Trials)的專研,創作出一本動人心弦的小說《Deliverance from Evil》。以此案為背景,故事述說既得利益者為了達到目地如何殘忍迫害無辜少女,一顆貪婪的人心如何比傳說中的巫術更可怕也更醜惡。

故事發生在1692年的冬天。在美國麻薩諸塞州北邊的一個薩林小鎮正下著白皚皚的雪。在當地一家牧師Samuel Parris的公館裡,牧師的兩位年輕女兒圍坐在火爐前玩算命遊戲,不知怎麼了,其中一位女兒開始歇斯底里地入迷,並出現怪異行為,然後再傳給另外女兒。不久後,整個小鎮開始傳出有關瘋子血統的傳聞,並迅速流傳是巫術在作怪,打破這座小鎮原來的寧靜與規律。


深受鎮民愛戴的牧師George Burroughs,在一夜間從小鎮英雄淪為惡魔夥伴,成為拷打犯人的人,最後更親手將被判有罪的「巫婆」和「巫師」絞死。

身為歷史學家的小說家Frances Hill考據當時歷史與政治的史料,杜撰一個既吸引人又具劇情張力的故事,為史上薩林女巫審判案的殘忍事實再抹上一個動容鼻酸的悲劇情緒。


● 作者簡介

Frances Hill 是一位歷史學家、小說家和記者,也是獵殺女巫歷史的權威學者。她出版的非文學有《Out of Bounds》、《The Salem Witch Trials Reader》、《hunting for Witches》和《Such Men are Dangerous》等。《Deliverance from Evil》是她第一本小說,將以她擅長的女巫獵殺歷史為故事背景。


● 媒體報導

"Re-imagines the superstition and hysteria surrounding the 17th-century Salem witch trials in novelistic form." --USA Today

"In this beautiful, memorable and exquisitely crafted novel, Frances Hill, world expert on the Salem Witch hunt, brings both persecutors and persecuted to breathing life on the page. History and fiction blend seamlessly: Hill's people are our suffering contemporaries whose dilemmas speak powerfully to the modern condition." --Steve Davies, Booker and Orange Prize-shortlisted author of The Element of Water

"When history makes you weep, it is the novelist's job to give meaning to the tears. Frances Hill has done this. Be as brave as she had been and read this book." --Sarah Dunant, author of Sacred Hearts

"Historian Hill utilizes her extensive research on the Salem Witch Trials to bone-chilling effect in this riveting tale of a town spiraling out of control." --Booklist

"Frances Hill, an expert on the Salem witch-hunt, has crafted a dramatic novel bringing to life the accusers and the accused" --Sun Journal